02 → "YOUR ROLE"

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02 → "YOUR ROLE"

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ADELINE AND CHANCELLOR Paige held each other's gaze, before the Chancellor returned from her stupor of shock. She stood up straight and took the folder from the girl, placing it back onto the desk. Adeline watched as Chancellor Paige motioned for her to sit back down in the chair she had previously, and Adeline closed the filing cabinet and slowly moved back toward it. Settling back down, she watched as the Chancellor did the same into her own chair, propping her elbows onto the desk.

"It seems I need to explain some things." Chancellor Paige responded. Adeline's mind was buzzing with questions, looking for answers. "Let me start with the outside world first. It started with sun flares. The sun flares couldn't have been predicted and it was only minutes before their heat scorched our Earth. First our satellites burned out, and thousands died instantly. Millions soon died within a few days. Miles of land became wasteland. Ecosystems fell apart. Jungles were gone, especially in South America. That's when a horrible disease unleashed. It spread like wildfire. It affects the brain and drives a person to insanity. It's called the Flare now." Chancellor Paige paused, clearing her throat slightly. "You and the other subjects were a few out of millions orphaned. We chose you all to help us find a cure to the Flare. Everything we did was to study your brain patterns, hoping to find a way to beat this horrible disease. Now, your role in the trials."

Adeline wasn't even shocked by the Chancellor's mention of the Trials. It made sense that's why they were put into that Maze, and Thomas had figured out as much during his time in the Changing. Adeline tried to let the information she'd received about the outside world, sink in. What the Chancellor had said about her being one of the millions people orphaned made her heart sink. That means her parents were probably dead.

"Everything I tell you as of right now is true. Understood?" Adeline nodded. "Good. Firstly, you're immune to the Flare. That's all I will say about that as of right now. Secondly, you're very important to these trials, Adeline. Your role in the Maze Trials was to help the others out of the Maze, before we'd control you and send you back up to the second Group - Group B. Those migraines were to prepare your body for your real visions that we activated later on, just as Thomas and Teresa arrived. The plan was for you to stay there for at least a year, before you'd just vanish. You were meant to have your memory swiped again and were meant to be sent up to Group B. But, the plan had to change when Subject A5 tried to commit suicide and —"

"Newt." Adeline corrected "We're human beings not test experiments."

"My apologies." She corrected. "When Newt tried to commit suicide and we had to allow for you to stay, considering your close relationship to the boy. Subject A26 - Matt - was sent up to push you all to a certain point, to see if any of you would give up. We controlled him on many occasions; such as when he got stung. That was apart of our plan. Of course, you won't remember agreeing to the plan since you lost your memory, which is why you're getting your memories back. Just you. No one else."

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