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FOR A FEW minutes, Adeline just sat there. Questions were still being asked all around her, giving her a headache. She wanted to clasp her hands over her ears, but didn't. Raking her hands through her hair, she debated whether or not she wanted to get up from the ground when Newt knelt down beside her.

"You 'kay?" Adeline nodded. Newt stood back up, offering her his hand. She took it, rising to her feet. "I'm gonna go find Minho and Tommy. You'll be okay for a moment?"

"I'll be fine. Go." Newt squeezed her hand, before he turned on his heels and headed towards the room where she'd woken up from. Adeline slumped against a wall, tapping her feet, trying to let everything sink in.

Make it to the safe haven within two weeks time and you'll have completed Phase Two. That's what Rat — Man had said. That's when we'll be cured of the Flare. That exactly two weeks starts the second we all step through something called a Flat Trans. And if we don't make it, we'll eventually end up dead. How peachy.

Later that night the majority of the Gladers went to bed around nine o'clock and every Glader had set the alarm on their digital watch for five o'clock in the morning. Because she didn't have a digital clock like the others anymore — after the events of escaping the Maze, they'd removed the watch — she had to rely on Newt's digital watch to wake her up. As she laid there, her mind kept wandering; on what the next two weeks would be like, if she would be able to survive. She ended up freaking herself out in the end and couldn't fall a sleep.

"You should sleep." Newt whispered in her ear. Adeline watched as Newt propped himself up on one elbow. "We have to be up bright and early tomorrow."

"So should you." she responded. Newt moved a strand of hair that was covering her face, trailing his fingers down the side of her face, scooting himself closer to her. Wrapping his arms around her waist, he planted a small kiss to her forehead.

"Just close your eyes and try to sleep." Newt trailed circles on her back to help her relax. Her eyes started to droop, and she relaxed. Moments before she ended up falling a sleep, she raised her neck slightly and lightly kissed him.

It felt like five minutes had passed, before Adeline was awoken by beeping. The alarms set on everyone's digital watches had gone off right at 5 o'clock the next morning. It took her at least ten minutes until she fully got up, rubbing sleep from her eyes. She sat there for a good five more minutes, yawning continuously as she tried to wake up. She was given the first privilege of showering, which woke her up completely. After, she pulled her hair up into a high ponytail and allowed for the others to shower, too.

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