part 2: beginning

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(A/N: Here we will call the mc her new name, shizuku)

"Shizuku, I'll be putting a pause on your training for a week. You've been pushing yourself too hard, especially when I'm not around," your mother gently informed.

"But Mom, I want to be the strongest. I can't achieve that if I slack off on my training," Shizuku replied, though she begrudgingly agreed to her mother's directive, knowing it was for her own good.

"Don't rush, my dear," her mother said softly, planting a kiss on Shizuku's forehead before heading out. "I have hero duties to attend to for the next couple of weeks. I won't be able to keep a close eye on you. Be good, okay?"

Shizuku's mother, Cathleen Bate, held the esteemed title of the number one hero in the States. Shizuku considered herself incredibly lucky to have been adopted by such a remarkable woman. Ever since Cathleen rescued her from the clutches of the organization where she endured four years of experimentation, she legally became Shizuku's mother.

The organization's relentless experiments had resulted in Shizuku developing an additional quirk—manipulation of fire. Though the process had left deep scars, Shizuku managed to turn her traumatic experiences into a source of strength. Cathleen recognized her potential and adopted her with the intention of guiding her towards a path of heroism.

Grateful for her second chance at life and determined to make a difference, Shizuku willingly embraced her role as a hero in training, ready to devote herself to a greater cause.

Following her mother's directive to refrain from training for a week, Shizuku reluctantly accepted her new routine. Instead of her usual physical exertions, she dove headfirst into her studies, hoping to alleviate the monotony that came with idle days.

Though not naturally inclined towards academics, Shizuku found herself surprisingly engrossed in her textbooks, her pen racing across the pages as she diligently recorded every important detail. With written examinations looming on the horizon, she understood the gravity of the task at hand.

Securing a top spot in the exams meant more than just academic achievement for Shizuku—it meant earning a coveted opportunity to temporarily attend UA, Japan's premier Hero School. With only two spots available, competition was fierce, and Shizuku was determined to emerge victorious.

Her study method was far from conventional; instead of spreading her efforts over weeks, she embraced the intensity of cramming, finding solace in the pressure it brought. With only a week remaining until the exams, Shizuku immersed herself in her studies with fervor, determined to absorb as much knowledge as she could before the crucial day arrived.

With each passing day, Shizuku's resolve intensified. Every free moment was devoted to her studies, her concentration unwavering as she delved deeper into the complexities of hero academia. Despite the growing pressure, she remained steadfast, driven by her aspiration to attend UA and fulfill her heroic potential. As time went on, her determination only strengthened, propelling her closer to the coveted opportunity she ardently sought.

On the night before the exam, Shizuku was fully focused on her studies. Her desk was cluttered with books and papers as she reviewed every detail. With tired eyes and a cup of coffee, she worked tirelessly to prepare. Even though she felt exhausted, her determination kept her going as she chased her dreams.

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