part 12: wished

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"Can we make a quick stop at a convenience store?" Shizuku asked Shoto as they strolled together.

"Sure," Shoto replied quietly, his curiosity piqued.

Shoto's question about her solo dinner at the soba restaurant left Shizuku scrambling for an explanation. "I was just really craving cold soba. Haven't had it in ages," she offered, opting for partial honesty.

"I understand," Shoto responded, but an awkward tension lingered between them.

As the evening progressed, the city's bustling streets gradually quieted down. Dimming lights and closing shops signaled the approach of nighttime, while the emptying alleys added to the eerie calm.

Their peaceful walk, however, was abruptly interrupted by an unsettling feeling—a sense that they were being watched. The sudden shift in atmosphere left them both on edge, keenly aware of the unseen presence trailing them.

"Shoto, happy birthday," a familiar voice chimed from behind. Shizuku immediately recognized it as Touya's.

The two halted, slowly turning to face Touya's imposing figure.

"Relax, I ain't gonna hurt you on your birthday. I just wanted to greet you both," Touya said, his smile sending shivers down their spines.

"Thanks," Shizuku replied dismissively, her irritation simmering beneath the surface as Touya's presence acted to expose her true identity to his clueless twin brother.

"I don't wanna fight you, Dabi," Shoto interjected, trying to diffuse the tension.

"Who says we're fighting?" Touya countered, his tone laced with veiled menace.

Unwilling to entertain Touya's games, Shizuku turned away, determined to distance herself from his currently disturbing presence.

"Did I reveal it before you did, Shoyo?" Touya taunted, his words striking a nerve with Shoto, who tensed at the mention of his long-forgotten name.

"You little--" Shizuku began, her frustration manifesting in wisps of smoke and swirling patterns on her arms as her quirk activated.

"Sorry, happy birthday, you two. Here's a little gift..." Touya's smile remained unnervingly intact as he dropped a bombshell.

"Shigaraki is planning something to your annoyingly strong mother, Sho," Touya revealed before disappearing into the darkness of the alley, leaving Shizuku and Shoto reeling from the ominous warning.

"Who the hell is Shigaraki?" Shizuku's voice cut through the tense air, her tone laced with anger.

"Wait, who the hell are you?" Shoto's response came in a bewildered tone, mirroring his confusion.

"I wasn't planning on revealing it like this," Shizuku began, her thoughts racing as she struggled to maintain her composure. With a subtle adjustment, the color of her hair reverted back to its natural red hue, a precaution she had taken using a disguising tool from her time in America.

"Who's Shigaraki?" Shizuku demanded again, her anger simmering beneath the surface.

"Hes the leader of the League of Villains, Dabi... or Touya-nii is also part of that villain group," Shoto explained, his voice tinged with concern.

"I can take them down," Shizuku declared, determination flashing in her eyes as she plotted her next move to protect her mother.

The two continued their walk back to UA in silence, the weight of Touya's revelation hanging heavily over them. Shizuku muttered to herself, her mind consumed by the newfound threat and the schemes she devised to counter it. Shoto listened quietly, still grappling with the shock of the revelation.

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