part 16: our truth

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Bakugou soared through the sky alongside Endeavor and Shoto, their movements synchronized in a desperate bid to turn the tide of battle. With each surge of flames, they propelled forward, racing towards the heart of the conflict where Midoriya valiantly stood against Shigaraki's overwhelming power.

As Endeavor prepared his ultimate attack, the air crackled with anticipation, the ground below trembling in awe and fear. Then, with a thunderous roar, Endeavor unleashed his Prominence Burn, a torrent of searing flames aimed to engulf Shigaraki and end the threat once and for all. The inferno engulfed Shigaraki, promising to reduce him to ash, but just as victory seemed within grasp, red blades erupted from Shigaraki's form. They seeped out, slicing through the air with precision, shocking even Endeavor as they pierced his body with merciless efficiency.

In a heartbeat, the battlefield shifted. Endeavor, the symbol of unyielding strength, found himself disabled by the very force he sought to destroy. Panic seized the witness as another set of deadly blades hurtled towards Midoriya, the green-haired boy could not possibly dodge the attack. 

But in that critical moment, Bakugou's instincts took over. Without hesitation, he streaked towards Midoriya, a living shield against the impending onslaught. The impact was brutal, the blades tearing through flesh and bone, but Bakugou held firm, his resolve unyielding even as pain seared through his body.

"Bakugou!" Shizuku's urgent yell pierced the air as she bolted through the sky with her fiery quirk, swiftly catching his falling body.

Shoto mirrored her swift action, his icy flames carrying Endeavor's wounded form as they gently descended to the hard ground below.

Their movements were swift, born of necessity and solidarity, as they ensured the safety of their fallen classmate and leader with a silent determination that spoke volumes.

Midoriya's fury ignited intensely as he witnessed Shigaraki's merciless attacks on his comrades. With a rage born of righteous anger, he launched himself at the villain, his blows raining down with unrestrained force, each strike fueled by the burning desire to protect those he held dear.

Meanwhile, Shizuku gently placed Bakugou's nearly limp body beside Endeavor's, her hands moving swiftly to administer what aid she could. Despite her exhaustion and the strain on her healing abilities, she worked tirelessly, knowing that every moment counted in this desperate battle against huge odds. Though her healing wasn't as swift as before, she refused to stop, because she understood that their presence on the battlefield was important to their chances of victory.

Shoto swiftly caught Midoriya as he fell, while Shizuku, though exhausted, poured every ounce of her remaining strength into healing them as fast as she could.

The earth rumbled.

Nejire and Shoto who tried to attack Shigaraki was swepped away by the giant who appeared to follow orders from Shigaraki.

"Shit," Shizuku muttered, her frustration evident as she conjured a duplicate of herself to support Shoto, who had been caught off guard by the attack. With a swift motion, she directed her replica to assist him while she focused on healing.

As if answering her silent plea, Iida arrived on the scene, his presence a welcome addition to their efforts. With a nod of determination, he joined Shizuku, lending his assistance in tending to their wounded comrades.

"Ah, there you are." The chillingly familiar voice sent a shiver down Shizuku's spine as she looked up, her gaze meeting that of her older brother, Dabi, who loomed above them as he was stood on the back of the giant who came to Shigaraki's assistance. 

"Everyone looks tiny from up here," Dabi remarked with a chilling nonchalance, his voice carrying calmness amidst the chaos below. As he poured a wet solution onto his hair, the dark strands transformed, revealing his naturally white hair, a stark contrast to the flames of his quirk.

𝙢𝙖𝙩𝙘𝙝𝙚𝙙 & 𝙢𝙖𝙙𝙚 ミ 𝙠. 𝙗𝙖𝙠𝙪𝙜𝙤𝙪Where stories live. Discover now