part 8: the eldest

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Saturday arrived, bringing with it a welcome respite for Class 1A. Despite Elaine's insistence on accompanying her, Shizuku decided to venture out alone, eager to explore the city and perhaps reconnect with her family, distant though the possibility seemed. Thoughts of her twin brother and older siblings swirled in her mind, their lives and whereabouts remaining a mystery that gnawed at her heart. She longed to reach out, to bridge the gap that had grown between them over the years, but fear and uncertainty held her back. Still, the yearning to see them, to feel their presence once more, burned within her.

As she navigated the bustling streets of Shinjuku, Shizuku found herself drawn to the vibrant energy of the city. Each store and shop beckoned with promises of adventure and discovery, tempting her to linger and explore. With each passing moment, she felt a sense of excitement and anticipation building within her, driving her to delve deeper into the heart of the city.

Hours slipped by unnoticed as Shizuku immersed herself in the sights and sounds of Shinjuku. The crowded streets and bustling markets filled her with a sense of exhilaration, reminding her of the vibrant pulse of life that flowed through the city. She wandered from shop to shop, browsing the eclectic array of merchandise and indulging in her love for anime and collectibles. Each purchase brought a sense of satisfaction and joy, a small piece of the city to carry with her on her journey back to America.

As the day wore on and fatigue began to set in, Shizuku found herself wandering into the quieter, more secluded corners of Shinjuku. The alleys grew dimmer, the crowds thinning as she ventured further from the main thoroughfares. Yet, despite the growing sense of solitude, Shizuku pressed on, driven by a restless curiosity and a desire to see where her wanderings would lead her.

It was in one such quiet alley that Shizuku's solitude was shattered by a stranger's voice calling out to her. Startled, she turned to see a man and a woman approaching, their intentions unclear but tinged with an unmistakable sense of menace. Shizuku's heart quickened as she realized she was being followed, her instincts urging her to flee. But before she could react, the man lunged forward, demanding her belongings with a mixture of aggression and greed.

Caught off guard, Shizuku watched in disbelief as her shopping bag was suddenly compressed into a marble of its size by the man's mysterious powers. Anger flared within her, mingling with a growing sense of unease as the strangers closed in. With a trembling voice, she demanded the return of her belongings, her words ringing out into the empty alleyway. But the man only laughed, his eyes glinting with malicious intent as he refused her plea.

"Return it," she demanded, her voice firm despite the uncertainty swirling within her.

"No, it's mine now. Mr. Compress, I want that one too." The small girl pointed at my Hatsune Miku figurine. Shizuku's heart sank at the mention of her prized possession. "Not the figurine", she thought, her grip tightening around the small treasure.

With a swift dodge, Shizuku dodged the incoming marble, her senses on high alert. These people were getting on her nerves, pushing her patience to its limits. Yet, despite the mounting frustration, she knew she couldn't lash out. Heroes in Japan were bound by strict rules, forbidden from attacking unless provoked physically or mentally. It was a code she had sworn to uphold, even in the face of danger and adversity.

"Tsk, hero reflexes." the compression quirked man irritatedly say.

"Let's go, Toga-chan" He adds

"No, If you can't give it to me. I guess we'll have to get it my way." Toga says devilishly.

Toga prepared herself to attack, brandishing two large syringes in her hands. Reacting swiftly, Shizuku surrounded the area with thick smoke, blinding the two strangers and causing them to gasp for air. Seizing the opportunity, Shizuku lunged forward and delivered a powerful punch to the man, rendering him unconscious with a burst of fiery energy.

𝙢𝙖𝙩𝙘𝙝𝙚𝙙 & 𝙢𝙖𝙙𝙚 ミ 𝙠. 𝙗𝙖𝙠𝙪𝙜𝙤𝙪Where stories live. Discover now