part 7: training

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After the intense villain encounter the previous day, Shizuku devoted herself to rigorous training in UA's state-of-the-art gym and combat zone. Despite Japan's advanced technology, she found herself struggling with the intricate controls of the machines.

Midoriya, ever the helpful classmate, accompanied her and patiently guided Shizuku through the maze of buttons and keys, ensuring she could activate the various technologies around them. While Shizuku focused on her muscle and endurance exercises, Midoriya pursued his own training routine. The two trained in companionable silence until their concentration was shattered by Bakugou's abrupt entrance.

"Kacchan, what exercises are you planning today?" Midoriya inquired.

"None of your business, nerd," came Bakugou's brusque reply.

Unfazed by Bakugou's rudeness, Midoriya shrugged it off. "He's always been like that since we were kids. I've gotten used to it," he explained with a resigned smile.

"Let's take a short break, Shizuku. How about sharing a bit about your childhood?" Midoriya suggested, changing the subject.

Shizuku agreed, offering a condensed version of her upbringing—from her abandonment to being experimented on, and finally, her rescue and adoption by America's top hero. She chose to omit the darker details, recognizing that Midoriya didn't need to know everything.

Midoriya's reaction was one of disbelief. "That's crazy!" he exclaimed.

Shizuku smirked. "Yeah, what's even crazier is that Bakugou is charging towards us right now."

Midoriya turned to see Bakugou hurtling towards them with explosive speed, his face flushing red from the impact.

"If you two are done gossiping, get out of my way before I blast you to pieces," Bakugou threatened, his voice laced with irritation.

Rolling her eyes at Bakugou's outburst, Shizuku extended a hand to help Midoriya up. "So scary," she remarked sarcastically as they moved to another area of the gym, ensuring Bakugou heard her taunt.

"What did you say?" Bakugou's voice thundered after them, but Shizuku simply waved him off with a smirk, refusing to let his temper dampen her spirits.

Shizuku did not answer and only resumed her routine with Midoriya.

"I wanna know your childhood stories too, you seem like you had a fun one." Shizuku says.

"Well, it's not interesting really. But I can share some later." Midoriya replies with a smile.

Shizuku wonders where Elaine has been all this time because she hasn't seen her since yesterday morning. It wasn't a surprise to her though, Elaine has been a social butterfly since high school so Shizuku assumed that she may be out and wild with the other 1A students.

An hour had passed swiftly, filled with the exhilaration of exercise shared with Midoriya. Shizuku found herself immersed in the rhythm of their routine, each movement accompanied by the encouraging presence of her newfound friend. With her time in Japan limited to just a month, she was determined to make the most of every opportunity to forge connections and deepen friendships.

"I'm calling it a day, Midoriya-kun," Shizuku announced, her voice tinged with satisfaction at the productive session they'd shared.

"Sure thing, just give me fifteen more minutes to finish up my last set of exercise laps," Midoriya replied, his dedication evident as he pushed himself to complete his regimen.

Agreeing to reconvene shortly, Shizuku made her way to the lockers, pausing briefly as she caught sight of Bakugou nearby. His imposing figure, muscles rippling with exertion, drew her attention for a moment before she shook herself from her reverie and focused on her own tasks.

In the sanctuary of the female restroom, Shizuku took the opportunity to freshen up, exchanging her sweaty workout clothes for clean attire and carefully tending to her hair. Stepping back into the gymnasium, she noticed a flurry of activity as more students filtered in, eager to make the most of their training time.

She was approached by a charming blonde boy, his blue eyes sparkling with curiosity as he struck up a conversation. Shizuku introduced herself as an exchange student from America, noting her temporary status with a wistful smile. The blonde, identifying himself as Monoma, expressed an openness to collaboration in the future.

"Shizuku, I'm done--" Midoriya stops himself from speaking any further.

"Big head Midoriya from class 1A, good evening. I was just introducing myself to the exchange student." Moments after the interaction, Monoma walks away and waves at Shizuku.

Rejoining Midoriya, Shizuku's attention was soon drawn to the escalating tension between Monoma and Bakugou. Observing the confrontation with a mixture of concern and curiosity, she couldn't help but wonder about the underlying dynamics at play. 

"I'm guessing he doesn't like you?" Shizuku suggests

"Yeah, he hates our class actually, he thinks his class is better." Midoriya replies.

In the distance, Monoma signaled Bakugou to move from the weightlifting machine, but Bakugou remained unfazed. With an irked defiance, he stood his ground and fired back a threatening remark.

""Step aside, you imitator," Bakugou taunted, his words laced with a hint of irritation as he launched into action, his fists flying in a blur of movement.

"Okay." Monoma, ever the provocateur, didn't back down. In response to Bakugou's taunt, he retaliated with a well-placed counterattack, fueling Bakugou's growing frustration.

"Neito, knock it off," commanded an orange-haired girl with burly arms, swiftly intervening and halting the altercation between the two boys. Midoriya and Shizuku rushed to Bakugou's side, noticing the cuts on his face.

"Huh, that was something," Shizuku remarked, breaking the tension with a casual observation.

"Shut it, I can't stand that guy," Bakugou spat, his irritation evident in his tone.

Shizuku instinctively gently placed her hand on Bakugou's face, using her quirk to heal his wounds. Bakugou winced as the warmth of her healing power seeped into his skin.

"Didn't ask for your help," he grumbled, his gratitude buried beneath a layer of pride.

"Kacchan..." Midoriya attempted to intervene.

"Both of you, just shut up. I'm sick of seeing your faces," Bakugou declared, turning away from the duo and walking off.

Midoriya remained quiet, his reaction subdued. Shizuku, however, couldn't shake off the sting of Bakugou's ungratefulness. She felt slighted by his dismissive attitude, her disappointment lingering long after he had walked away.

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