part 3: examination day

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The awaited day arrived, and Shizuku rose from her sleepless night, ready to face the challenge ahead. Donning her familiar school uniform, she adorned it with a cherished "I love Stars and Stripes" button pinned to her ID lace. With a silent prayer to the heavens for guidance, she set out for school, her heart brimming with hope for the opportunity that awaited.

It had been years since Shizuku had set foot in Japan, ever since she was sold to the group of scientists who had tormented her relentlessly. As time passed, she often found herself pondering the fate of her biological family, a pain of longing stirring within her at times. Discovering that she had been declared dead upon her abduction, with her body never recovered, shattered any hope of reuniting with her loved ones. Her life in America had become a fresh start, a new chapter where memories of her past family remained distant yet ever-present in her thoughts. Despite occasional curiosity about their lives, she hesitated to delve into the realms of social media, fearing the emotional turmoil it might bring.

As Shizuku was driven to school by her personal driver and arrived at the examination hall, she couldn't help but reflect on her journey. The challenges she faced and the strength she found within herself led her to this moment. With each step, she felt a renewed sense of purpose and determination to give her all in the test ahead.

As Shizuku strolled through the school hall, a familiar voice echoed around her. "Shizukuuuuu," it called out, prompting her to turn towards the sound, only to have her eyes covered by two hands.

"Guess who it is," Elaine's voice, her best friend since high school, teased playfully.

Shizuku chuckled as she removed Elaine's hands from her eyes, greeted by the sight of her dear friend. "Did you study, El?" she inquired.

"Huh? Study for what?" Elaine responded casually, her expression indicating her lack of awareness.

"The quarterly exams, the ones where the top two students will be chosen to attend UA in Japan temporarily. How could you forget?" Shizuku reminded her with a smile.

Elaine Rimons, Shizuku's classmate and a second-year student, possessed the unique quirk called Untell. Though permanently deaf, her quirk granted her the extraordinary ability to read the brain activities of any creature. Despite her disability, Elaine's heightened sensory perception allowed her to detect brain activity within a 50-foot radius, enabling her to essentially read and foresee any activities within the area. With such remarkable capabilities, Elaine rarely paid much attention to examinations, as she could effortlessly ace them without exerting much effort.

"Girl, I will see you in Japan." She winks

"I can't believe they're letting you off the hook with a quirk like that! The exam rewards are totally rigged because of quirks like yours!" Shizuku playfully emphasized the word, her tone laced with amusement.

"You've always been at the top in academic subjects. How are the teachers not suspicious of you? It's honestly unbelievable, El," she remarked, shaking her head incredulously.

"Stop yapping, girl. Let's go snag that ticket to Japan!" Shizuku exclaimed with a grin, urging her friend forward as they made their way to class.

As they entered the classroom, it became apparent that the reward offered by the school held little significance to most students. With the current villain outbreaks in Japan causing chaos for aspiring heroes, many had their minds elsewhere. However, Shizuku remained undeterred, her determination unshaken by external distractions. She knew her mother hadn't raised a weakling, and even the brightest minds in their class didn't bother aiming for the rewards.

"It must be an American thing," Shizuku mused quietly to herself, observing the lack of interest among her classmates.

"Or maybe you just really want to go to Japan," Elaine sheepishly suggested, earning a pointed look from Shizuku in response.

"Good luck on your tests, Shizuku. If I let you get the spot for the top notchers reward will you let me sleep with your mom?" the top 2 smartest in our batch, Joseph Frame,  says. He has always been head over heels for your mother and made disgusting comments about her and blatantly disrespecting her in front of you.

With a cool and composed demeanor, Shizuku delivered her cutting retort to Joseph's disrespectful comment before briskly moving away from him. As the examinations commenced shortly after the encounter, Shizuku made a conscious effort to shake off the unpleasant interaction and focus on the task at hand.

Perseverance by the unsettling exchange, she delved into the examination papers with determination and diligence. For the next five hours, Shizuku methodically tackled each question, pouring over them with careful consideration and attention to detail.

However, despite her outward calmness, inwardly, Shizuku felt a growing sense of unease. Glancing over at Elaine, who had breezed through her test in less than thirty minutes, only served to heighten her anxiety. Despite the mounting pressure, Shizuku remained outwardly composed, masking her internal turmoil with a façade of calm. Yet, beneath the surface, she felt the weight of expectation bearing down on her, her mind racing with thoughts of uncertainty and self-doubt.

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