part 13: side by side

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Shizuku and Elaine found themselves absent from their classes today as they were required to compile a report and engage in a virtual discussion with their school's administration regarding their experiences and thoughts as temporary students at UA. The purpose was to provide a comprehensive update on their situation and ensure that Welkin Hero Academy remained informed about any potential risks they might face. Following a thorough morning of detailing their experiences and reaffirming their willingness to remain at UA, the two girls assured the administration that they were doing well and expressed their commitment to staying despite only having been at the school for a week.

"Good to know, Elaine and Shizuku." One of the team member spoke.

"We shall meet again the next week for another checkup, for now, Welkin is proud of your good representation of the school. Have a good rest of the day." the man's voice echoes through the screen as the virtual meeting concludes.

"Finally, it's over," Elaine exhales deeply, relieved that the arduous task is over.

"Classes must have ended about 20 minutes ago. Want to go catch up with the others?" Elaine suggests, nudging Shizuku gently. Lately, Elaine has been growing closer to their classmates, enjoying their company in various group activities.

Shizuku hesitates for a moment before relenting, "Alright, fine." Deep down, she harbors a desire for something else, but she doesn't want to dampen Elaine's enthusiasm.

"I'm going to call my mom real quick," Shizuku announces as she heads to a quieter room for privacy. "No eavesdropping, El," she adds, giving her friend a playful warning.

As the phone rings, Shizuku waits anxiously for her mother to answer on the other end.

"Hey, good afternoon," Cathleen's joyous voice greets her daughter.

"Mom, I have something important to tell you," Shizuku skips the usual pleasantries and dives straight into the conversation.

"Someone might be targeting you from the Villain side, Ma," Shizuku continues, her voice tinged with concern. On the other end of the line, Cathleen listens intently.

Shizuku recounts her encounter with her older brother and how he warned her about the impending danger to Cathleen's safety. The joy in Cathleen's voice fades as she responds.

"We've been expecting it," Cathleen begins to explain.

"I came here despite the government's advice. Somehow, the villains here knew of my arrival and plan to eliminate me, probably to steal my quirk," she adds, her tone serious.

"What's your plan, Mom?" Shizuku asks, her worry evident in her voice.

"I'll fight them. Haha, hell, I could even try surpassing All-Might while I'm at it!" Cathleen jokes, attempting to lighten the mood.

But her tone quickly shifts back to seriousness as she reassures her daughter, "I will not die, Shi. If that's what you're worried about. I promise."

"I'll return to the States for a few days or a week tomorrow. I need to transfer a few more equipment here," Cathleen announces, her voice firm with determination.

"Take care here. I love you, kid," Cathleen bids her daughter goodbye.

"Stay safe. Of course, I will, Mom," Shizuku replies.

"I love you too," she says before ending the call.

Shizuku accompanies Elaine to the dormitory of Class 2A, but internally, she's still grappling with the unease left by her encounter with her older brother. While she exchanges greetings with the rest of the class, her mind craves peace, prompting her to slip out of the building in pursuit of fresh air and silence.

𝙢𝙖𝙩𝙘𝙝𝙚𝙙 & 𝙢𝙖𝙙𝙚 ミ 𝙠. 𝙗𝙖𝙠𝙪𝙜𝙤𝙪Where stories live. Discover now