part 6: first day

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As the soft hues of dawn painted the sky, Elaine roused from her slumber before Shizuku, eager to start the day ahead. After a refreshing shower, she gently nudged her friend awake, and together they embarked on their morning routine. With ample time at their disposal, they indulged in personal routines, meticulously styling their hair and applying makeup to suit the day's events. Meanwhile, Elaine, ever the considerate roommate, took charge of breakfast duties. She rustled up a simple yet satisfying meal of scrambled eggs and heated some pre-made onigiris she discovered in the fridge, ensuring that both she and Shizuku had enough fuel to kickstart their day.

As the aroma of breakfast filled the air, Shizuku emerged from her shower, dressed in the uniform provided by UA. She found the table already set with a plate of food, courtesy of Elaine's thoughtful preparation. Grateful for her friend's gesture, Shizuku flashed a warm smile before tucking into her meal. After finishing her food and tidying up the kitchen, Shizuku joined Elaine in getting ready for the day ahead. With deft hands, she applied her makeup and ensured her appearance was impeccable, ready to face whatever challenges awaited them.

With the clock ticking, the duo locked up their dorm-house and set off, armed with a campus map and anticipation for the day's events. Following the map's guidance, they navigated the campus grounds with ease until they reached their destination—a grand door that marked the threshold of their next adventure. Stepping inside, they were met with a chorus of friendly greetings, exchanging smiles and pleasantries with their fellow students as they found their seats, side by side, ready to embrace the opportunities of the day ahead.

A towering figure strode into the room, his presence commanding immediate attention as the chatter among the students hushed to a respectful silence.

"We have esteemed guests from America joining us today," the teacher announced, prompting a ripple of curiosity among the students.

"You may address me as Mr. Aizawa," he declared, his tone firm yet composed as he addressed the two girls in particular. "Both of you will partake in our combat training exercises and activities alongside the class."

"Yes, Mr. Aizawa," Shizuku nodded respectfully in agreement, her demeanor reflecting her readiness to comply with her teacher's instructions.

The class received orders to change to their hero costumes and prepare for a villain encounter set in the heart of Tokyo. Shizuku dutifully followed her fellow female classmates, swiftly changing into her own hero attire.

Shizuku's costume boasted a sleek mask designed to filter out noxious fumes and protect her from airborne toxins. Crafted with precision by her close friend Elaine, it provided her with an added layer of safety in hazardous situations. Her protective ensemble was imbued with fire-resistant properties, rendering her impervious to flame-based attacks. Among its many features, her costume sleeves concealed a compact tablet granting her access to vital tools such as maps, radios, and a sophisticated motion sensor capable of detecting movement within a 60-foot radius.

Returning to Shizuku herself, her hero attire was replete with an array of tools crafted to enhance her combat prowess and facilitate seamless navigation.

Class 1A found themselves at Shibuya station, divided into groups of four for a thorough survey of the area. Elaine and Shizuku were separated, with Shizuku joining forces with Kaminari, Mina, and Midoriya, while Elaine partnered with Bakugou, Todoroki, and Tokoyami. Despite Shizuku's prior study of her classmates' quirks in the manual provided by All Might, she was eager to witness their abilities firsthand, especially those of the top-ranked trio.

"Shizuku," Todoroki began, his voice calm yet inquisitive. "What's your hero name?"

"Ah, it's Phantom," she responded, feeling a hint of excitement at being included in the conversation.

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