part 21.5: reincarnation

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"Shoko, that ability of yours..." A man's voice trailed off, his expression grave.

"It can save many lives, but you can live to kill mercilessly too," he continued, his tone heavy with implication.

Shoko's smile remained, but there was a glint of determination in her eyes. "Kudo, if you're asking me whether I want to join your team or pledge allegiance to that Demon Lord," she replied calmly, her voice unwavering, 

"Then you already know my answer." She replies, her voice hinting determination.

"My abilities may have the power to save lives, but they can also be wielded with lethal force. But my allegiance lies with those who fight for justice and protect the innocent."

Shoko, a doctor possessing the extraordinary ability to heal any injury instantly, carried a dark aspect of her power as well. She had the disturbing capability to inflict injuries upon others, ensuring they remained unhealed even by the most strongest healing abilities. The only means to deactivate this quirk was either her death or compliance with a direct command from Shoko herself.

In her youth, Shoko had gone military training, strengthening her combat skills to become a capable fighter. Despite her healing quirk, she can be a supportive member of her team, ready to defend and assist them in any situation.

Now, in a dimly lit room, stood Bruce, Kudo, and Shoko. It was during the era of All for One's rise, and many soldiers were ordered to take the villain down. However, as time passed, the number of men decreased.

"Of course, I'll join ya," Shoko declared, planting a kiss on Kudo's cheek.

"I didn't want to drag you here, Sho," Kudo admits, feeling ashamed that he had to bring his lover into the battlefield. But with manpower decerasing, Kudo and Bruce had no other choice.

"I miss the feeling of being on the battlefield," Shoko replies, her eyes gleaming with joy at the thought of action.

"Don't worry about dying when I'm around," Shoko declares proudly, exuding confidence in her abilities. She was actually overjoyed to fight alongside Kudo once more.

Shoko then clings to her lover before smiling, reassuring Kudo that she was glad and more than willing to fight alongside him.

"Enough of that lovey-dovey stuff, people are dying," Bruce interjects gruffly, not appreciating having to witness the couple's affectionate moment amidst the dire circumstances.


As Shoko busily tended to the wounds of a group of military men, she found herself the only medical assistant left in the area. Meanwhile, Bruce and Kudo engaged All for One in fierce combat. The army of men they fought alongside bore inhumane appearances, a result of the relentless attacks by the Demon Lord. Shoko's ability could revert them back to their perfectly healthy state, yet she couldn't erase the exhaustion that lingered in their bodies after nearly a week of continuous battle. As the men began to falter, Shoko felt the weight of their stress weigh heavily on her shoulders.

"Leader and Bruce are the only ones left standing in the area!" cried the voice of a severely injured man, capturing Shoko's attention instantly. Without hesitation, the determined woman rushed towards the injured man, swiftly tending to his wounds and commanding him to lay and rest.

"I will be taking matters into my own hands. Please assist one another," Shoko commanded her military men as she swiftly exited the tent, anger etched on her face.

Arriving at the scene, Shoko was met with a gruesome sight that brought a tear to her eye. Biting her lip anxiously, she observed Bruce lying on the ground while Kudo was at the mercy of the Demon Lord's hands.

With determination blazing in her eyes, Shoko charged towards the enemy, swiftly slicing him from the nape of his neck down to his back with her katana. The wound ran deep, incapacitating the Demon Lord momentarily. Seizing the opportunity, Shoko quickly administered healing to Bruce before launching herself back into the fray.

Armed with a gun in her right hand and a katana in her left, Shoko unleashed a flurry of attacks on the Demon Lord, her rage fueling each strike. She cut the villain across the face, causing him to bleed profusely. Unable to regenerate due to Shoko's Meta Ability, the Demon Lord faltered, dropping Kudo from his grasp.

Without hesitation, Shoko caught her lover in her arms, relief flooding her features as she held him close, their hearts pounding in unison amidst the chaos of battle.

"I can't heal as much anymore," Shoko admits with a regretful expression, though she does her best to mend Kudo's deep wounds, her healing abilities strained by the intensity of the battle.

"Transfer it now, Kudo," Shoko urges, referring to the Meta Ability he had gained from rescuing the Demon Lord's brother. As Shoko distracts the enemy with her attacks, Kudo makes his move, darting towards Bruce to transfer the ability.

However, the Demon Lord sneers at their efforts. "Stupid tricks. It would be nicer if this ability was utilized by me," he taunts. Suddenly, the ground begins to quake, and long, sharp blades materialize, hurtling towards Shoko. She manages to evade most of them, but one blade pierces her chest, eliciting a pained grunt from her.

As Kudo rushes to her aid, the Demon Lord's attention shifts to him, ready to confront the approaching threat head-on.

In a heartbeat, All for One once again had Kudo in his grasp, his grip tightening around Kudo's neck, draining the life from him.

"Sealing Ability: Rebirth," Shoko invokes her final trump card, a hidden power designed to seal away anything it touches. The purpose of this ability was to prevent All for One from stealing their powers. "We may not defeat you now, but we will in the future," Shoko vows, blood trickling from her lips and chest.

Upon completion, the sealing process intertwined with One for All, generating a dimension to confine the souls of its users. Shoko's unique ability, with its capacity to alter souls, introduced a potential for reincarnation, creating a loophole in the cycle of life and death. As the seal was finalized, Shoko falls to the ground, her eyes fixed on the colors of sky above. With each passing moment, her vision diminished until she yielded to her battlefield wounds, captured by the merciless hold of All for One.






All for One called Bakugou, "Kudo," during their 1v1 fight. Although Bakugou is not Kudo's reincarnation canonically, I just had an idea lol. They just look too alike I fell in love with him too

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