part 22: saying goodbye

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At around 10 am, the Class A students were summoned to assemble in the common room, accompanied by Shizuku and Elaine. The two girls were preparing to bid farewell to their classmates as they had been instructed to return to America due to the escalating situation in Japan. Awkwardly, Elaine and Shizuku positioned themselves beside All Might, while the rest of Class A settled onto the sofas.

"So," Elaine began, her voice wavering, "We're leaving UA." She struggled to maintain her composure, feeling the weight of the friendships she had forged within the walls of the school.

"We have to obey the school's orders," Shizuku continued, her voice filled with gratitude, "But we want to express our thanks for welcoming us into UA." With a deep bow, Shizuku and Elaine showed their appreciation to the class.

Unable to contain her emotions any longer, tears streaming down her cheeks, Elaine rushed towards her classmates. In a flood of tears and embraces, the class shared an emotional moment, cherishing the bonds they had formed.

As the class reminisces over shared memories, Shizuku's attention is drawn away by the ringing of her phone. She politely excuses herself and walks to a quieter corner.

"Hello, Endeavor," Shizuku greets with a hint of formality.

"Sho, are you leaving today?" Endeavor's voice carries a hint of concern, reflecting his daughter's expected return to America.

"Yes, I'll be leaving this evening..." Shizuku responds, her curiosity stirred by her father's unexpected call. "Is there something you need, Dad?" she inquires, eager to understand the reason behind his call.

"Can you..." Endeavor pauses, momentarily unsure of his request's appropriateness. "Can you meet us in the UA private room in an hour?" he finally invites.

"Of course, no problem. I'll be there," Shizuku responds with a serene smile, her tone casual yet accommodating. With the call ended, she makes her way back to Class A's common room.

"Hey, Shizuku-chan," Kaminari begins, curiosity evident in his tone, "What's studying in America like?"

Shizuku reflects for a moment before answering honestly, "It's pretty relaxed for the most part, except during exams and when it comes to following the school rules." Memories of her last exam, where she fell short of qualifying as an exchange student, flicker through her mind.

"I also have a question, Shizuku-chan," Mina's voice chimes in, prompting Shizuku to nod in acknowledgment.

"What happened to your hair? Why did it suddenly turn from brown to red.." Mina's curiosity is palpable, reflecting the unexplained transformation Shizuku's hair underwent after the incident with Shoto. Shizuku hesitates, grappling with how to respond to Mina's inquiry. She glances at Shoto for guidance, but he only shrugged, and Bakugou's reaction is dismissive as always.

"It's actually my natural hair color," Shizuku finally admits, opting for the truth.

The rest of the class directs their attention towards Elaine, bombarding her with questions. Meanwhile, Shizuku notices Shoto seemingly lost in thought and decides to approach him.

"Oi," Shizuku's sudden interjection startles Shoto, causing him to jolt slightly.

"Yes, Sho," Shoto responds, his voice regaining composure as he addresses his sister.

"Dad invited you too, right?" Shizuku inquires, referring to their father's request. Shoto nods in confirmation.

"Let's go together, okay?" Shizuku seeks reassurance from her brother, gently clasping his hand. Shoto sighs, his response almost self-evident.

"Of course," Shoto replies, his tone gentle and reassuring, reflecting the bond between the siblings.

"You two look kind of alike," Dark Shadow's unexpected observation startles both Shoto and Shizuku. Tokoyami nods in agreement with his shadowy companion's remark.

"Well, we are twins," Shoto reveals nonchalantly, as if dropping a bombshell on Tokoyami and his Dark Shadow, who are taken aback by the revelation.

"Twins?" Kaminari's unbelieving voice rings out from a few inches away from the three, snapping Shizuku out of her frozen shock. She watches as all eyes turn towards them in the common room, the atmosphere suddenly charged with curiosity and surprise.

Shizuku can't help but feel a hit of frustration at Shoto's lack of social awareness. Sometimes, her brother really has no filter.

"I think I'm older though," Shoto muses, placing a hand on his cheek in contemplation. Shizuku can't help but facepalm at his remark, though she attempts to maintain a composed demeanor amidst the chaos unfolding around them.

"What an ugly pair of twins," Bakugou's blunt comment cuts through the tension, surprising Shizuku. Despite the rudeness of his remark, she feels a slight sense of gratitude, as it gives her a moment to gather her thoughts and come up with an explanation.

"Yes," Shizuku admits, realizing there's no reason to hide the truth from her classmates. "We are twins," she confirms, her voice steady despite the shock spreading across the faces of their classmates.

As murmurs of surprise ripple through the room, Shizuku can't help but feel a twinge of amusement at how her classmates hadn't noticed the obvious similarities between her and Shoto before.

Shizuku walks over to where Bakugou stands by the tables, his posture restrained and his expression unreadable. She notices that he's been silently observing the unfolding events, seemingly detached from the chatter around him. Taking advantage of his momentary silence, Shizuku decides to address him directly.

"Yo, Katsuki," Shizuku chirped, her tone light, "Did you just call me ugly?" Her demeanor shifted suddenly, a vein popping visibly on her forehead. Bakugou rolled his eyes, anticipating trouble.

"Respectfully, fuck off," he retorted, sensing the darkening mood. But Shizuku remained unmoved, a sarcastic smile playing on her lips as she delivered a light punch to his abdomen.

"You ginger—" Bakugou began, his teeth clenched in irritation, his hands crackling with explosive energy.

"Oh my," Shizuku interjected suddenly, a mischievous glint in her eyes. Bakugou paused, taken aback by her interruption. "I had this crazy dream about your doppelganger!" she exclaimed, recalling the bizarre dream she had the previous night.

"Huh? What are you yapping about?" Bakugou retorted, his expression skeptical as he rolled his eyes at Shizuku's amused demeanor.

"I don't remember much. All I remember was this woman who carried a gun and a katana as her weapons," Shizuku said, her hand resting on her cheek as she tried hard to recall.

"And she was a doctor, and your lookalike was there too," Shizuku continued, her voice taking on a fangirl-like tone. "He was hot, man," she added, her eyes sparkling with stars and hearts.

"I had a dream about you dying," Bakugou interjected abruptly, causing Shizuku's happy vibe to drop instantly. Her face formed a pout as she shot an annoyed look at Bakugou for killing the mood.

"That's rough, but not gonna happen," Shizuku said playfully, exuding confidence that she wouldn't meet such a fate anytime soon. She shrugged, as if brushing off the idea entirely.

Feeling a tap on her shoulder, Shoto drew Shizuku's attention. She turned to him, quickly realizing it was time to meet with their father. With a pout, she sighed internally before addressing Bakugou. "Gotta go see my crazy dad," she said, waving at him as she left. Bakugou responded with his typical sigh and annoyed expression.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22 ⏰

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