part 1: the past

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flashbacks (a/n: shizuku's past nickname is sho)

"It's time to see what quirks you two possess."

The two siblings exchanged determined glances before setting off to prepare, Sho's sharing a brief, reassuring hug with her sibling before they parted ways.

Sho's heart raced as she approached her father to reveal her quirk. The weight of his expectations hung heavy in the air, amplifying her nerves.

"Whenever you're ready, you may reveal your ability" her father's voice cut through the tension.

With a determined nod, Sho summoned swirling clouds of dark grey smoke, her arms igniting with a brilliant white glow. With practiced precision, she executed a series of rapid teleports, seamlessly darting from one location to another within the smoky veil. Each movement was a testament to her dedication and mastery of her unique ability, leaving her father and sibling in shocked of her ability.

However, it wasn't enough to meet the standards of her father.

"You neither have mine or your mother's quirk." their father's voice cut through the air like a blade, cold and sharp. "You lack the potential to be the strongest, merely another disappointment among the failures."

"With such an ability," he continued, his tone dripping with disdain, "you'd be better suited for a villain's role." 

A solitary tear slipped down Sho's cheek, her heart heavy with the weight of her father's words. Though she had always known she was different from her siblings, hearing his harsh judgment spoken aloud wounded her deeply. She lowered her head in resignation before silently leaving the room, the echo of his words lingering in her mind.

"Wow, that was amazing, Sho!" her older brother exclaimed, offering her a

 comforting pat on the head. The rest of their siblings gathered around, enveloping her in a warm embrace.

"It's your turn now," Sho began, turning her attention to her trembling sibling. Despite her own pain, she offered words of encouragement, knowing all too well the fear of facing their father's judgment.

As she watched her sibling perform their quirk, Sho's astonishment grew. Her brother possessed the very ability their father had long sought after, a perfect match to his ideals. While happiness swelled within her for his achievement, a pang of concern also gnawed at her heart. She knew what lay ahead for him—endless, grueling training sessions under their father's unforgiving eye.

"Good job, bro," Sho whispered, wrapping her arms around her brother in a tight embrace.

Though her heart ached for herself and her brother, she couldn't help but feel a sense of bittersweet relief. Her father had finally found his ideal creation, but at what cost?

Several months had slipped by since the revelation of their quirks to their father. Sho, once the focus of her father's training, now found herself relegated to the sidelines as he poured his attention onto her brother. Night after night, he returned to their shared room bearing bruises and scars, silently enduring his pain so as not to show weakness in front of his sister.

One day, their father approached Sho with a somber expression. "Sho," he began, his voice heavy with finality. "Your quirk holds no value to me."

With cruel detachment, he informed her of his decision to send her away to their grandmother's house, citing her differing quirk as a potential source of family scandal. Despite Sho's protests and assurances of her willingness to conceal her abilities, her father remained unmoved.

"I have no need for you or your useless quirk," he declared, gesturing toward the packed bags and waiting car outside.

Heart heavy with sorrow and betrayal, Sho left without a backward glance, her family's home fading into the distance as she embarked on an uncertain journey away from all she held dear.

Upon arriving at her grandparents' home, Sho's hopeful anticipation quickly turned to dismay as she uncovered the family's hidden struggles. Despite their warm welcomes and gentle smiles, it became evident that financial woes loomed large over their household, casting a shadow over their once peaceful abode.

In the span of mere weeks, Sho stumbled upon a truth she never imagined: her grandparents had made a secret pact with a shadowy organization to alleviate their crushing debt. The revelation struck her like a blow to the gut, leaving her feeling betrayed.

As days turned into nights, Sho found herself engulfed in a whirlwind of turmoil. Sold off to the organization like a pawn in a game of desperation, she was thrust into a world of relentless experimentation and grueling training. Each day brought new challenges, each night a struggle to maintain her sense of self amidst the chaos.

Yet, despite the harsh reality of her circumstances, Sho couldn't bring herself to harbor resentment toward her grandparents. She understood the weight of their burden, the desperation that had driven them to sacrifice her innocence for a chance at financial freedom. In the depths of her despair, she grappled with the sobering realization that perhaps she was simply unloved in the wrong family, left to navigate the harsh twists of fate alone.

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