part 4: revelation

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A week had flown by since Shizuku's exams, and now the long-awaited day had arrived—the day when scores would be released and the winner of the coveted reward announced.

"Mom, could you take me to school today?" Shizuku asked her mother, who was enjoying her breakfast.

"Let me check," Cathleen responded, quickly scanning her schedule. To her delight, she found that she had the entire day free. "Yes, my love, I'm free. I can take you to school, and I also have some documents to pick up from the school office."

A smile spread across Shizuku's face as she thanked her mother and began to prepare for the day ahead. With her mother by her side, they set off for school in their elegant Rolls Royce.

"Oh, I forgot to mention," Cathleen began, breaking the comfortable silence as they drove. "I'm heading to Japan in three days to assess their situation. They're facing a shortage of heroes over there."

Shizuku's eyes widened in realization. "That must be why the school is offering temporary enrollment at Japan's UA," she mused aloud. "It's because you're going there too, isn't it?"Her mother nodded in confirmation, her gaze focused on the road ahead as they continued their journey.

As soon as they arrived at the school premises, Shizuku hurried to the board displaying everyone's names, her heart pounding with anticipation. Her eyes quickly scanned the list of


1. Elaine Rimons
2. Joseph Frames
3. Jolynn Graham
4. Shizuku Sho

"I gave it my all," Shizuku murmured with a bittersweet smile. "Moving up from the top 10 to top 4 is still progress worth celebrating."

As the top two winners were called to the platform to receive their rewards, Shizuku's mother, donning her hero costume, stood proudly among the crowd.

"Elaine Rimons and Joseph Frames," the announcer declared, "you two have earned temporary enrollment at Japan's prestigious hero school, UA."

With poise and gratitude, Elaine stepped forward to address the audience. "I am deeply grateful to Welkin Hero Academy for this incredible opportunity," she began, her voice carrying a tone of sincere appreciation. "I also want to express my heartfelt thanks to my parents and friends for their unwavering support and encouragement. Together, we've reached new heights, and I am excited to embark on this journey of growth and learning. Thank you all."

Next, Joseph took the microphone, his demeanor composed as he spoke. "I echo Elaine's sentiments," he began, his words carefully chosen. "Welkin Hero Academy has provided us with a remarkable chance to further our hero education, and for that, I am truly grateful. However, in light of this opportunity, I feel compelled to pass it on to someone who I believe embodies the spirit of heroism and dedication. Shizuku Sho, I offer you my ticket and enrollment to UA."

Shizuku was taken aback by Joseph's unexpected gesture, though she couldn't shake the feeling that his motives might not be entirely altruistic. Still, she accepted his offer with gratitude, recognizing the significance of the moment and the journey that lay ahead.


After the ceremony, Shizuku approached Joseph, her curiosity piqued by his unexpected gesture. "Joseph, can I ask you something?" she inquired, her tone gentle yet probing.Joseph hesitated for a moment before nodding, his expression guarded. "Of course, only if you let me speak to Stars and Stripes" he jokes, his eyes avoiding hers.

"What were your intentions with offering me your ticket to UA?" Shizuku asked, her gaze searching his face for any hint of sincerity.

Joseph sighed, his shoulders slumping slightly. "Honestly, I just wanted to impress Stars and Stripes," he admitted, his voice tinged with resignation. "I didn't want to sacrifice my life in a foreign country, dealing with the chaos in Japan. I thought offering you the ticket would make me look good without actually having to go."

Shizuku listened quietly, a mixture of understanding and disappointment swirling within her. She had suspected as much, yet hearing Joseph's confession confirmed her suspicions. With a nod of acceptance, she offered him a small smile. "Thank you for being honest," she said softly. "I appreciate the gesture, even if it wasn't entirely genuine."

As they parted ways, Shizuku couldn't help but feel a sense of relief knowing the truth. While Joseph's actions may not have been driven by pure altruism, she was grateful for the opportunity that lay before her and determined to make the most of it, no matter the circumstances.


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