part 19: together

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As Class A prepared to scout the city in search of their missing classmate, Shizuku made the decision to partner up with Shoto and Yaomomo. She felt that the three of them would make a strong team, given their complementary skills and abilities. Standing outside the heavily guarded gates of UA, the class received some encouraging words from Uraraka, fueling their determination and resolve. With their hearts set on finding their friend and ensuring everyone's safety, they set out into the city, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

"Yo, Katsuki!" Shizuku greeted her friend warmly, noticing that he intended to scout alone.

"You sure you don't wanna join us?" Shizuku asked Bakugou with genuine concern in her voice.

"I don't need a partner," Bakugou replied harshly, his annoyance evident in his tone.

"Now, fuck off, ginger," he added, his voice loud enough for other classmates, including Shoto, to hear.

As Class A separated to scout in different areas of the city, Shizuku, Yaomomo, and Shoto remained close to each other, their vigilance heightened as they searched for any sign of Midoriya. Despite their thorough efforts, there was no trace of their missing classmate in their designated area. Suddenly, a sound from their radio device captured their attention, causing them to pause and listen intently, hoping for any clue that might lead them to Midoriya's whereabouts

"Found him, you guys," Bakugou's voice crackled through the radio, prompting an immediate response from everyone in Class A. Shizuku, Shoto, and Yaomomo were the first to arrive at his location, wasting no time in springing into action to restrain the villain, Dictator. With a swift slash of Shizuku's fiery blade, a deep gash appeared in the villain's abdomen. Shoto quickly encased the villain in ice, rendering him unmoved, while Yaomomo ensured that he was securely bound and unable to escape.

"Villain secured, Bakugou," Yaomomo reported to Bakugou, to which he quickly corrected her.

"It's Great Explosion Murder God Dynamight!" he declared loud and proud.

The rest of Class A gathered together, and before them stood Midoriya, who appeared unlike his usual self. Not only did he seem untidy, indicating a lack of self-care, but there was also a distinct aura about him, suggesting a newfound strength.

"Everyone... why are you here?" Midoriya's voice sounded weaker than usual as he spoke.

"We were worried about you," Uraraka replied, her expression serious and concerned.

"I'm fine, so do not worry about me. Just go," Midoriya repeated, his voice weak and strained, revealing the extent of his condition. It was clear he was suffering from a severe case of Hero Syndrome, but seeing Midoriya in such a state was disheartening.

Then, a sarcastic applause broke the silence, emanating from none other than Bakugou. His smile was laced with sarcasm as he remarked on Midoriya's statement about being fine, asking him if he was able to smile despite the harsh situation.

"In order to smile... In order to make everyone live in peace," Midoriya began, his voice wavering and weak.

"I have to go. That's why..." he trailed off, the weight of his words hanging heavy in the air.

"Get out of the way, everyone," Midoriya declared as he activated his quirk, green sparks crackling around him.

"Make us, you All Might wannabe," Bakugou retorted, his sarcastic smile still evident.

In that moment, Midoriya was prepared to fight his classmates, willing to do whatever it took to prevent them from taking him back to UA. He understood the danger he carried, and if battling them now would ensure their safety in the future, then he was prepared to do so.

"Thank you...for coming," Midoriya's voice echoed as he emitted purple smoke, shrouding his position and impairing his classmates' vision. However, Bakugou swiftly used his explosion quirk to disperse the smoke in his vicinity before ascending into the sky for a better view of the battlefield. Shizuku, blessed with a smoke quirk herself, quickly recognized the situation. Combining her smokes with Midoriya's, she gained control over the smoke in the area, including those emitted by Midoriya himself.

"In a battle between two smoke-related quirk users, I will win," Shizuku declared proudly, ensuring Midoriya heard her statement. In less than a second, Midoriya's smoke thinned out and disappeared. Though he was not within the smokescreen, he found himself in the sky. Utilizing his quirk, Koda commanded the birds to impede Midoriya's flight speed.

"Trying to run away without even talking? Tch,"Bakugou says annoyed at how Midoriya was running away even with the fact the he can now do all of One for All's quirks, he was still a loser.

Sero attempted to reach Midoriya by attaching his tape to Midoriya's BlackWhip, but Midoriya swiftly cut the tape, severing the connection and continuing his flight. Next, Jirou, carried by Dark Shadow, tried to slow Midoriya's movement by using her quirk to slow him down. However, Midoriya skillfully evaded her efforts which shocked the girl. Then, Jirou utilized a microphone, likely crafted by Yaomomo, to express her gratitude for Midoriya's help during the Sports Festival by providing valuable aid.

Shizuku, growing impatient with Midoriya's attempts to escape, decided to take matters into her own hands. With a irritated expression, she bit deeply into her fingers, drawing blood, and formed a finger gun aimed directly at Midoriya in the sky. Activating her fire quirk, she released streams of fire from her finger, enveloping the injured fingers with flames which was now similar to bullets. The fiery projectiles struck Midoriya, one piercing his leg and the other his abdomen. The impact caused him to lose his balance and fall towards the ground, but before he could hit the ground , Shoto intervened, catching him with his ice.

Midoriya's resolve wavered as he began to speak, admitting his own fear and uncertainty about the future. He expressed his belief that things would never be the same again, weighed down by the heavy burden of responsibility. The presence of civilians at UA only added to his decision to leave, as he sought to draw the threat away from those he cared about. Bakugou approached him, the rain from the earlier storm adding to the emotional intensity of the moment. Midoriya's voice, barely above a whisper, betrayed the fragility of his resolve.

"When Shigaraki attacked me, do you remember what I said?" Bakugou's voice trailed off, his gaze fixed on Midoriya, who shook his head, indicating that he didn't recall.

"I said, 'Don't try to win by yourself,'" Bakugou adds, his voice tinged with a mix of sadness and realization. He explains that there was more to that statement, recounting how his body moved on its own during the battle, leading to his injury. Reflecting on their childhood, Bakugou admits to looking down on Midoriya for being quirkless, feeling threatened by his resilience despite his lack of power. He confesses to feeling conflicted, acknowledging that while he despised Midoriya's perceived superiority, he also couldn't deny the respect he held for him. This internal struggle led him to bully Midoriya in middle school, attempting to assert his dominance and superiority. However, despite his efforts, Bakugou admits to feeling a sense of defeat in Midoriya's presence, especially as they both entered UA. Each day, he grappled with the realization that Midoriya seemed to outshine him, leaving Bakugou feeling weak and resentful.

"It's not something that will work itself out by saying it out loud," Bakugou trails off, his tone heavy with sincerity.

"But that's how I really feel, Izuku," Bakugou continues, his voice now filled with genuinity. Using Midoriya's first name emphasizing the depth of his emotions as he bows his head in apology.

"I am sorry for everything," Bakugou apologizes, his words resonating with sincerity.

Midoriya is left stunned, unable to speak or move in response to Bakugou's unexpected sincerity.

"We will take care of the things you can't take care of," Bakugou assures him, catching Midoriya as he collapses to the ground, overwhelmed and exhausted.

"I'm gonna patch you up, sorry for shooting you. You got on my nerves," Shizuku says, her tone slightly playful as she tends to Midoriya's wounds. Midoriya accepts her apology without a word, his wounds healing swiftly.

The girl gives Midoriya a pat on the head. "Stubborn little broccoli," Shizuku teases.

"Good job, Katsuki," Shizuku nudges Bakugou, commending him for admitting his true feelings.


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