part 11: meeting

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(A/N: Just realized that they should be in their 2nd year now because I set their ages to 18...damn mb cuh i'll transition the changes slowly. Im too lazy to reread the chapters Wattpad is shit in Web.)

The day went on with endless lectures, leaving Shizuku feeling bored and eager for it to end. As she sat through the classes, her mind wandered to her experiences in America, comparing them with those in Japan. She couldn't shake the feeling that the villains she encountered in America were more aggressive compared to the mischievous and meticulous ones in Japan.

Finally, the school bell signaled the end of classes. Just as Shizuku was about to leave, her phone rang, displaying her mother's name on the screen. Finding a quiet spot, she answered with a mixture of anticipation and agitation.

"Hey mom. How have you been?" Shizuku's voice carried a hint of warmth and concern.

"Hi, love. I miss you, I'm doing well. How about you?" Cathleen's voice sounded relieved yet filled with longing.

"I've been good, ma. I..." Shizuku paused, trying to gather her thoughts.

"I met one of my biological siblings here, and he recognized me," she finally confessed, the memory of their encounter still fresh in her mind.

"Was it good or bad? What happened, dear?" Cathleen's concern was palpable through the phone.

"He... He attacked me, ma," Shizuku admitted, her voice quivering slightly as she recalled the unsettling incident.

"I can only guess but... he seemed like he's a villain now, ma," she continued, trying to maintain her composure despite the welling emotions.

"Dear..." Cathleen's voice softened with sympathy, her heart going out to her daughter.

"It'll be fine. Right, Mom?" Shizuku sought reassurance, hoping for some words of comfort in the midst of uncertainty.

"Of course, don't worry. We'll see what we can do, okay?" Cathleen's words were like a warm embrace, offering solace in the face of adversity.

"Okay," Shizuku replied softly, feeling a sense of relief wash over her.

"I'll see you whenever I can. I miss you, kid. I gotta go now, work calls. I love you," Cathleen bid her goodbye, her voice tinged with affection.

"Love you, mom. Take care, please, don't die," Shizuku whispered, a silent plea for her mother's safety echoing in her heart as the call ended.

Shizuku carefully placed her phone back into her pocket and stepped outside of UA, the cool breeze brushing against her skin as she made her way towards the nearby soba restaurant. The craving for the traditional Japanese dish had been gnawing at her for quite some time, reminding her of the flavors she had missed since leaving Japan over a decade ago. With guidance from her friends Uraraka and Mina, she embarked on a mission to locate this hidden gem.

Upon arriving at the restaurant, KANDA MATSUYA, Shizuku couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment for finding the place on her own. The large signage featuring a visual representation of soba greeted her from a distance, beckoning her closer with its promise of culinary delight. As she entered the charming restaurant, she whispered a bittersweet "Happy birthday to me," a ritual she observed every year to remember the passage of time, even if no one else knew the date if her actual birthday.

Seated at a table, Shizuku called for a waitress to take her order, her heart fluttering with anticipation as she awaited her beloved soba. Though the restaurant was quiet and not much populated, it radiated an air of sophistication that complemented the peaceful atmosphere. Lost in her thoughts, Shizuku offered a silent blessing for another year of life, grateful for the simple pleasure of enjoying a meal she had longed for.

𝙢𝙖𝙩𝙘𝙝𝙚𝙙 & 𝙢𝙖𝙙𝙚 ミ 𝙠. 𝙗𝙖𝙠𝙪𝙜𝙤𝙪Where stories live. Discover now