part 17: family

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Shizuku woke to the sound of Bakugou's enraged shouts echoing through the hospital rooms. Concerned, she hurried to check on everyone's condition. Discovering Elaine still in a coma due to her injuries, Shizuku felt a wave of worry but found solace in the fact that the others were on the path to recovery.

Approaching Bakugou, she attempted to scope his emotional state. "How are you feeling?" she asked gently, hoping to offer some comfort.

"Furious," Bakugou replied, his voice laced with anger and disappointment. The frustration of their defeat lingered in the air between them.

Shizuku placed her hands on Bakugou's head, giving him a reassuring pat. "We'll have another chance," she said, her voice soft but determined. With a gentle smile, she conveyed her confidence in their abilities to overcome future challenges. There was a shared sense of determination between them, a silent understanding that they would face whatever came their way together.

"Tch, you?" Bakugou inquired, his tone edged with concern.

"I'm great, thank you very much," Shizuku replied with a weak smile. "Although, I might be weakened for a while after draining all of my power." Despite her attempt to remain positive, there was a hint of disappointment in her voice. She was more than devastated that her abilities required time to recharge, especially after such a grueling battle.

"I gotta go somewhere for a bit, I'll see you later," Shizuku excused herself from the blonde boy.

With a heavy heart, she made her way to the elevator where Endeavor was located. Standing before the door, she fell into a moment of contemplation, realizing she could no longer hide her identity from her family. Uncertainty filled her as she considered what words to speak to him.

Upon opening the door, Shizuku was met with the sight of her entire biological family, including Endeavor, locked in a heartfelt moment. Seeing her father in tears, she felt a wave of shame wash over her and quickly shut the door, too embarrassed to enter.

Shizuku opened the door once more, her heart pounding in her chest as she faced her entire biological family gathered in the room, including Endeavor.

"I was told to check on Endeavor's status," she lied, trying to mask her shock at the unexpected reunion. She feigned ignorance, pretending as if her true identity hadn't been revealed to her father.

"I... I'm sorry, perhaps I disturbed a moment of vulnerability," Shizuku stammered, feeling awkward and out of place amidst the emotional atmosphere.

As she turned to leave, Endeavor's cries grew louder, and the room fell into a stunned silence. Shizuku froze in her tracks, her heart twisting with guilt as her father's words pierced through her.

"I am an utterly irresponsible father," Endeavor's voice cracked with emotion, tears streaming down his face as he spoke.

"I casted my family away because of my ambitions," he confessed, his words heavy with regret. Shizuku's mouth dropped open in shock, her façade slipping as she struggled to comprehend the weight of his words.

"I casted you away, Shoyo," Endeavor's acknowledgement hung heavy in the air, his gaze fixed on Shizuku with a mixture of remorse and longing.

"Huh?" Shizuku's attempt to maintain her cover faltered as her siblings, except for Shoto and her mother, stared at her in disbelief.

In that moment, Shizuku's expression hardened, her eyes reflecting thrill.

"I kinda don't care about the past," she began, her tone calm but resolute. "You saw what I can do, and I think if I wasn't casted away... I'd be stuck living in Shoto's shadow. Don't worry about asking for forgiveness, because I honestly don't give a damn." Her words hung in the air, carrying the weight of her unspoken pain and resistance.

Suddenly, Hawks and Best Jeanist appeared at the door, apologizing for eavesdropping. Seizing the opportunity, Shizuku swiftly made her exit from the room. Her emotions regarding her family remained unresolved, leaving her with a sense of unease that she couldn't shake.

"Sho?" the familiar voice of Todoroki Rei, her mother, echoed behind Shizuku. With a forced smile, she turned to face the woman.

"Yes, Mrs. Todoroki... or mom," Shizuku replied, the uncertainty evident in her voice. She had grown accustomed to calling Cathleen her mom and had almost forgotten the significance of her biological mother.

Rei rushed toward her, tears streaming down her face, and enveloped Shizuku in a tight embrace that caught the girl off guard. Uncertain, Shizuku stood still, unsure whether to reciprocate the hug. While she knew her mother hadn't intentionally caused her emotional harm, she still grappled with feelings of abandonment.

"I'm sorry," Rei apologizes, her voice soft and remorseful. She regained her composure and stepped back from Shizuku.

"It's okay," Shizuku replied awkwardly, unsure of how to respond.

"I'll, uh, leave now... Mom," Shizuku said tentatively, testing out the unfamiliar term. With a lingering glance, she eventually turned and left Rei behind, heading towards a nearby vending machine. It was there that she spotted the blonde boy once again.

Shizuku caught the bottle of lemon juice with her lightning-quick reflexes as Bakugou tossed it to her. With a deft twist, she opened the bottle and took a refreshing sip.

"Thanks, babe," Shizuku teased playfully, a mischievous twinkle in her eyes. Bakugou's ears flushed red at the unexpected nickname, but he quickly regained his composure.

"Call me babe again, I'll blow your ass back to America," Bakugou retorted, his tone gruff but a hint of shock present in his words.

The pair sat in silence by the vending machine as they finished their drinks. Shizuku winced slightly as a stinging sensation erupted in her abdomen, a living reminder of Shigaraki's attack. She tried to suppress the discomfort, not wanting to worry Bakugou.

"What's wrong?" Bakugou's keen eyes caught Shizuku's faint reaction, prompting him to spring into action. He stood up and scrutinized her with concern.

"Just a small sting, I'm all good," Shizuku reassured him with a tight smile, attempting to downplay her pain.

"I'm taking you back to your bed," Bakugou declared firmly, taking Shizuku's hand and guiding her back to her hospital bed. Once they reached the room, he released her hand, his demeanor shifting to a more snappy tone.

"Go back to fucking sleep and stop bothering me, you ginger," Bakugou commanded, his words a mixture of gruffness and concern. He didn't want anyone, especially Shizuku, to see his softer side.

Shizuku didn't have the energy to protest; she simply complied with Bakugou's command and settled back into her bed. As she lay there, she noticed the puzzled glances from her classmates who had witnessed Bakugou's uncharacteristically gentle gesture of holding her hand. She could sense their curiosity, but she didn't have the strength to explain. Closing her eyes, she allowed herself to drift off to sleep, hoping to find some relief from the lingering pain in her abdomen.

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