part 10: incident

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When the taxi arrived at UA, Bakugou attempted to rouse the sleeping girl, but his efforts were met with only a few grunts in response. He sighed in frustration, feeling the weight of responsibility for Shizuku's condition. Carrying her in his arms, he made his way to their temporary housing on campus. Upon reaching their destination, he struggled to ring the doorbell while still holding Shizuku, but no one answered. It was already 12:45 AM, and Elaine was likely fast asleep by now. Setting Shizuku down, Bakugou tried to wake her, only to be met with bloodshot eyes when she finally stirred.

"What the hell... I'm quite tipsy," Shizuku murmured groggily.

"Open your door," Bakugou ordered bluntly.

Shizuku's heart sank as she realized her predicament. She recalled the events following her encounter with her brother and her then loss of consciousness. With her belongings, including her keys, safely tucked away inside the house, she knew she was at a loss. Searching for the right words to convey her predicament to the annoyed Bakugou, she felt a pang of regret for her current situation.

"At least I still have my wallet. That's good," she muttered, attempting to salvage some positivity from the situation.

"What do you mean?" Bakugou whispered sharply, his annoyance was obvious.

The girl explains the situation to the boy and shamefully apologizes to him with a bow.

"You sleep on the floor. Follow me" Bakugou orders.

As they made their way to Bakugou's dorm room, Shizuku reflected on her past experiences and found solace in the familiarity of sleeping on the floor. Despite her discomfort, she quietly followed Bakugou, offering apologies along the way.

Entering Bakugou's room, Shizuku couldn't help but be surprised by its neatness and style. His collection of hero figurines and manga adorned the shelves, lending an unexpected touch of elegance to the space.

"Thanks, and I'm sorry again," Shizuku said softly as she collapsed onto the floor, overcome with exhaustion.

"I didn't actually mean that she should sleep on the floor," Bakugou muttered under his breath, his tone tinged with frustration. "But whatever. She should be grateful."

The blonde boy got himself ready for bed and as he was about to lay in his bed. He took one of his pillow and carefully placed it under Shizuku's head in addition to that he took a spare blanket and placed it on her. He made her as comfortable as possible before retiring to his own bed.

"Stupid," he muttered to himself, a faint hint of affection underlying his gruff tone.

"What an idiot." Before drifting off to sleep, he cast one final glance at Shizuku asleep on the floor, a flicker of tenderness in his heart.

As the morning sun began to filter through the window, Bakugou's alarm pierced the quiet at 4:30 AM, signaling the start of his daily routine.

"Get up, and move to the bed." Bakugou nudged Shizuku, indicating she should move to his bed while he prepared to leave for his morning run.

"Mm, thanks," Shizuku murmured sleepily as she complied with his offer, settling into the bed


As Bakugou opened his door, returning from his morning run, he was surprised to find Shizuku awake, her arm emitting a soft patterned glow.

"What's with the glow?" Bakugou asked, pointing at her arm.

"It's just my quirk. My head is pounding, I'm trying to heal it," Shizuku explained simply.

Expressing her gratitude for his care the previous night, Shizuku apologized for her recklessness before preparing to leave.

"Thanks for last night. I know I was reckless. I'm sorry." Shizuku offered an apology.

Bakugou paused, restraining the cutting remark that hovered on the tip of his tongue, as Shizuku bowed gracefully and made her way to the door. Beyond it stood Shoto, his expression registering mild surprise at encountering Shizuku in Bakugou's dorm. Their eyes met briefly before Shizuku swiftly closed the door, a sudden flood of memories from the previous night rushing back to her.

Realizing the potential implications of her words to Bakugou, Shizuku exhaled deeply before addressing him once more. "Um, please, let's keep our conversation from last night between us," she implored, her voice tinged with urgency.

Bakugou's response was gruff, but Shizuku detected a glimmer of understanding beneath his tough exterior. "I can only care less about your family bullshit," he replied, his tone seemed irritated but hinted tenderness.

Relieved, Shizuku reopened the door, stepping out with care. As she navigated the halls of the doorm, a sense of gratitude washed over her, grateful for Bakugou's understanding and her ability to resolve the situation with Shoto.

Shizuku returned home to find her best friend, Elaine, waiting with a mischievous grin. Elaine's expression earned a puzzled look from Shizuku.

"Why didn't you come back last night?" Elaine inquired, though she already knew the answer thanks to her quirk.

"I grabbed something to eat after Recovery Girl released me," Shizuku replied, opting for a vague explanation.

Elaine's teasing continued unabated. "So, was it a romantic dinner with Bakugou?" she prodded.

"What, no. I basically forced him," Shizuku retorted. "I ended up crashing drunk on the floor of his dorm while he took his bed. Because YOU inconveniently didn't answer the door when he tried to send me home."

Shizuku's explanation was met with a smirk from Elaine, who clearly enjoyed her friend's discomfort.

"I'll go get ready for class now, El," Shizuku informed her best friend.

"Mm k, hurry. I'll wait down here," Elaine replied, already prepared for the day.

After a quick bath, Shizuku found herself lost in thought, contemplating how to approach her brother and reveal her true identity to him.

"I can't just walk up to him and say, 'Hey, it's me, Shoyo, your twin. I'm alive,'" she muttered to herself, mulling over the complexities of their potential encounter.

"Dang it, how am I supposed to confront Endeavor?" Shizuku continued, her mind racing with scenarios of her father's reaction to her unexpected reappearance. She couldn't shake the fear of his judgment and the uncertainty of their eventual confrontation.

Realizing she'd been dwelling on negative thoughts, Shizuku grabbed her facial products and began her skincare and makeup routine. As Mitski's music filled the room, she found her peace of mind in the familiar lyrics, letting them wash away her worries and bring her a sense of calm. With each brushstroke and dab of product, she focused on the present moment, allowing herself to embrace the simple pleasures of self-care.

𝙢𝙖𝙩𝙘𝙝𝙚𝙙 & 𝙢𝙖𝙙𝙚 ミ 𝙠. 𝙗𝙖𝙠𝙪𝙜𝙤𝙪Where stories live. Discover now