2.12 Friends

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I've done so much, and yet I've made so little. I always wanted to be a writer.

I had so many ideas, especially when I was younger. Fantasies and magic and princesses who fall in love with beautiful princes. It was all nonsense of course. I had this story in my head for so long, but I forgot about it eventually. I wonder how things would've been different if I hadn't been the Ice Princess. Maybe I could've written that story.

When it was just the two of them, Rayvin changed out of his girl clothes and into more masculine clothes that Starla continued to steal from Riv. It would be the one time in the day where Rayvin would get to wear the clothes he felt like himself in. A couple times, Rayvin had to quickly change back into his girl clothes when someone knocked on the door asking after him. He got good at changing quickly, though.

Today, Starla read a book on the couch, and Rayvin worked on writing at his desk. Starla had on her reading glasses. She never wore them in public because she was embarrassed by them, but she spent so much time with Rayvin that it was impossible to not wear them. And, Rayvin didn't seem to mind.

"Thoughts on Teachings About Revenge?" Rayvin asked.

"No thoughts," Starla said. "Except that it was weirdly written and all the characters were unlikeable." She flipped to the next page of her book.

"Aw what! I liked it," Rayvin said, and Starla snorted. Then, abruptly Rayvin said, "Oh— I need to take my weekly shot."

"Weekly? As in you take your 'T' or whatever every week?" Starla asked, lowering her book.

"I sure do," Rayvin said, getting up from his desk.

"Doesn't it hurt?" Starla asked, shocked.

"Of course," Rayvin said with a smile that was half bewildered, half amused. "I'm surprised that you're surprised."

"Well, I thought it was something you had to take every once in a while. I didn't realize you had to stab yourself every week," Starla said.

"Or have someone else stab me every week. I do it myself now though. It's not that bad," Rayvin said. "I can show you if you want."

"Oh," Starla said, surprised by the offer. "Sure, if you're OK with it." Rayvin went over to his dresser and crouched down, pulling out the bottom drawer. Starla looked away by bringing her book back up to her face when she realized it was his underwear drawer.

When she looked back, he was holding a black case. He plopped down on the couch next to her and snapped open the case. Starla put down her book to watch him as he started working through various tools.

"Wait, did you say someone else used to give you your weekly shot?" Starla asked, something clicking into place for her. "Is that the dude you were sneaking out to see every week?"

"How did you— What?" Rayvin looked shocked. "You were stalking me!"

"Yeah, because you were acting suspicious," Starla said. "I didn't tell anyone." Except her cousins. But she wasn't going to tell him that.

"That makes it slightly better, I guess," Rayvin said. "Wow you must be obsessed with me or something."

"Am not," Starla said indignantly. "Anyway, I fully thought you two were hooking up."

"With Jayson?" Rayvin shook his head furiously. "Absolutely not. He's just the guy I was getting my T from. I still see him every now and then to pick up more supplies."

"Huh, ok," Starla said, briefly wondering if Rayvin liked boys or girls.

Rayvin started to take his shot. He worked fast, and Starla didn't fully understand everything that was happening. There were a couple needles, a syringe, a small glass vial, and some cloth wipes. Rayvin talked through it as he went, and Starla watched and listened, fascinated.

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