Ch:1 Am I?

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Shubman's pov:

As I sit on the edge of the field, the afternoon sun casting a warm glow over the stadium, I can't shake this strange sensation that has been stirring within me. The rhythmic thud of my heart seems louder than the distant hum of traffic, and my mind is consumed by thoughts of him.

Am I in love? Or is it just a fleeting illusion, a mirage in the desert of my emotions? Doubt clouds my mind like a shadow, casting uncertainty over this newfound feeling. I've faced opponents on the cricket field with confidence, but this... this is uncharted territory.

Describing in words aren't enough his beauty is enchanted not just skin

"His character standing tall against life's relentless storms. Rejected by adversity, Despite the arrows of criticism aimed at him for not performing while injured, he stood firm."

But beneath her armor of strength lay a vulnerability unseen by most. He mastered the art of masking his pain with a radiant smile, concealing his bruises with grace. Yet in the solitude of night, he allowed himself to weep, shedding tears in the silent embrace of darkness.

His looks could fill a book, each page a testament to his divine beauty. People would believe he's a god, crafting religions in his honor, praying to him like he's divine.

His eyes " jitne bhi diwali ke diye jalalo lekin uske ankho se zada roshan nai hoga "

" aesa nahin tha ki usse khubsurat insaan maine dekha nahin tha......lekin pata nahin kyun mere ankho ko uska nasha ho gaya tha"

Every fiber of my being aches for him. My eyes strain, refusing to blink, yearning for a glimpse of his presence. My nose craves his scent, My lips ache to smile, reserved only for him, longing for the touch of his.
Ishan kishan you're driving me crazy !


He rises from the ground, dusting off dirt, and heads for a drink. There, he spots Ishan, his mind's constant companion. As they reach for the same drink, their hands touch, sending electric jolts through his body. Their eyes meet, a surge of warmth fills him.

A silent understanding passes between them. In the depths of his mind, he acknowledges, "I can feel your affection towards me, and you sense mine, yet we both tread to not be open, hesitant to reveal our hearts openly. For now, we find solace in our silent touches.

Our eyes says more than our mouth


Ishan's pov:

He started to grow his feelings when he entered his room as a roommate. He fell in love with the tenderness in his eyes, the way they cradled his soul. His passion and care, coupled with his strong, manly figure, drew his in like a moth to a flame. Shubman was his blanket giving him warmth, comfort, assurance, when he cried alone at night.

For months, they've danced around this unspoken attraction, their touches tinged with a subtle, electrifying tension. Yet, they both shrug it off, afraid to acknowledge the undeniable pull between them, opting instead for playful banter and lingering glances, masking their desire beneath layers of restraint.


Their wall of thoughts were broken by Rohit sharma's voice
as they're called to fetch extra bats, they walked into the room they find themselves again holding onto the same bat this time inadvertently too close, to feel their breath.
Their eyes meet, and for a fleeting moment, the world falls away, leaving only the magnetic pull between them. Lips part, breaths hitch, all they could hear from they're dil and dimaag was "kiss kiss kiss kiss". Their gazes lingered on each other's lips, threatening to consume them both.
They're little finger touches, folding to hold designing a chain

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