Ch:4 Hold me tight

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At last, Ishan and I could enjoy some time together. After a lot of requests, we finally made it to the Andaman and Nicobar Islands.

I have a secret cottage there. Even though people think I prefer big houses and luxury, I actually love the simplicity of life in a cozy cottage. It's where I feel most at peace, away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life.

I don't visit this cottage often, but when I do, it's like a retreat. It allows me to feel like a regular person, just relaxing and being comfortable in a serene environment.

As we arrived, I swung open the door to the cottage, greeted by the familiar scent of home. I hadn't adorned the cottage with elaborate decorations, opting instead for simple furnishings against white-painted walls.

Outside, my trusty campervan awaited. It was my escape to the beach.

With my hectic schedule, I rarely had the opportunity to enjoy the outdoors, so I cherished these moments by the sea, spending days on end in the cozy confines of my campervan.

After settling our belongings in the cottage, we realized we didn't have the ingredients we needed for our meal. With empty cupboards, we decided to venture to the nearest continental store to stock up on essentials.

Wearing black shorts topped with loose thin tshirsts holding hands fearlessly, nobody knew us there we were just regular people no one to judge no one to care.


With all the items we needed in hand, we made our way to the checkout counter.

That's when Ishan's eyes lit up at the sight of a small tub of strawberry ice cream.
Unable to resist, he grabbed it and twirled around, urging me to indulge him. How could I possibly refuse such a joyous request?

As we strolled back, Ishan happily savored his ice cream. Suddenly, his eyes lit up at the sight of bicycles for rent. He eagerly grabbed one and urged me to join him for a ride.

The bicycle had two seats, one at the top bar designed for couples. Ishan sat at the top, hanging both his legs on the right side of the bicycle and I sat behind him, holding onto the handles as i pedaled along.

It was a picturesque moment, with Ishan feeding me bites of ice cream and the sweet taste of strawberry ice cream on our lips, enjoying each other's company and the simple pleasure of the ride, the breeze tousling our hair and laughter filling the air as we reached home.


Author: Later that day

Lying shirtless on the sandy beach, Ishan nestled close to me, his head resting on my hand. As we gazed into each other's eyes, love filled the air

I love you shubhi you know that right?

Do you even have to say it babygirl?

Shut up don't call me that

Ishan leaned closer asking for a kiss

Their lips met in a tender embrace, moving slowly as they savored the sweet sensation of the kiss.

Ishan kept his eyes open, wanting to witness the raw emotion reflected on Shubman's face as they shared this intimate moment. A smile danced upon Ishan's lips, before he closed his eyes, surrendering fully to the passion as he pressed closer, deepening the kiss.

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