Ch:2 Not again

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Shubman's pov:

Amidst the chaos and uncertainty of the day, I find myself at the entrance of the hotel, racing towards the one who holds my heart.

Though the weight of impending consequences looms heavy on my mind-the fallout from Sara's antics infront of the paparazzi, the upcoming consequences he's going to face in tomorrow's match, and the impact on Ishan's feelings after he hears the news of me going on a date with sara.

The thought of ishan going on a date with someone wrecks my nerves, idk what Ishan's reaction would be.
Guilt was building up -yet i push these worries aside. In this moment, all I crave is the warmth of Ishan's embrace, to be enveloped in his arms and remain there, lost in the sanctuary of our love, until the world tears us apart.

Frantically, I searched every nook of the hotel for Ishan, my heart racing with each passing moment. From the pool to the terrace, and finally to the hotel garden, I looked everywhere.

And there, in the peaceful garden, I found my world. Him, practicing with his imaginary bat.

I rushed to him, feeling like time was running out. As our eyes met, he whispered my name, "Shubie," sending a surge of joy coursing through me. I swept him up in my arms, twirling him gently in the air. Our laugh mingled together, gently i put him down, not allowing his feet to touch the ground yet. Our noses bopping with a smile.

He knew I missed him he knew I need his skin on mine.

Finally dropping him down I hugged him as tight as possible.

Ishan's pov:

I was surprised by his sudden action.
I knew what's going on between Sara and him I already got the notification of them "Shubman Gill and Sara Tendulkar spotted at xxx mall, are they on a date?"
I know he can't date me he can love me but never date me. And that's a fact.

As long as he love me and I love him, I'm least concerned about anything.

He may date many but he only loves me.

Ishan knew shubman missed him he knew he need his skin on his.

Ishan was ready to let him do whatever makes him feel better.

Shubman was caressing his thumb on ishans broad back but this wasn't enough.

He slid his hand inside Ishan's shirt roaming his hands all over his back gently feeling his skin.

This was much needed!

Ishan felt chills but let him relax however he wanted.


Shubman pulled away after he felt comfortable and back.

He looked at ishan his hands placed on his face cupping his cheeks.

He asked if he already hearded about the news.

Ishan nodded

He huffed

Shubman: let m-

Ishan: you don't have to shubie

Shubman: no please listen to-

Ishan: in not angry or upset

Shubman: what? Why?

Ishan: I know your love for me shubie and I know your not dating sara

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