Ch:12 No way !

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Ishan's pov:

Even though I was surrounded by my family at home, a sense of unease lingered within me. I longed for someone who could listen to me, help me navigate the emotions I was struggling with, and unravel the knots in my mind.
I knew exactly what I needed-I had to go back to Mumbai to my personal therapist dost Mayank.

After informing my mom of my decision, despite her concerns about my back-to-back travel plans, I made my way to the airport. Finally, at 6:30 PM, I found myself at the Mumbai airport, eager to reach the hotel, call Mayank, and persuade him to stay by my side.

I quickly dialed Mayank's number and waited anxiously for him to pick up.

"Hey, what's up, bro?" Mayank greeted.

"Have you reached home? Vo bolna tha ki, I'm in Mumbai and wanted to meet up with you," I said.

"No bro, I'm here for Shubman's wedding."
"And where are you? You haven't shown up yet for the wedding," Mayank replied.

"WHAT?!? Bhai nashe me hai kya tu?"
I exclaimed, my disbelief evident in my voice. Was he joking? Could this really be happening?

"Nooo wayyy... You're not hearing this,"
Mayank's whispered words to himself but audible enough to reached my ears, the call abruptly ended, leaving me with a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions.

Confusion and uncertainty flooded my mind as I grappled with the thought Shubman's wedding.
Imagined scenarios played out in my head adding fuel to the fire, each one more unsettling than the last.
My body tensed, my heart raced, and I felt a wave of panic wash over me.

I needed answers-what did Mayank mean, and what was happening? With my mind in turmoil, I yearned for clarity.

With trembling hands, I hastily dialed Rohit bhaiya's number, but there was no answer. Panic surged through me as I fumbled with my phone, mistyping digits and alphabets in my frantic state. Trying Virat bhaiya's number yielded the same result-no response.
Where was everyone? The confusion only intensified as time ticked by.

"Shahneel," I muttered, realizing she might have the answers I needed.
With trembling fingers, I dialed Shahneel's number and waited anxiously for her to pick up.

"Hello?" Her voice came through the line.

"Shahneel," I said urgently, my heart racing. "Where is Shubman?"

"He's getting ready," Shahneel replied calmly. "Soon he'll be at the mandap with Sara."

Her words hit me like a ton of bricks. Shubman was getting married? The shock washed over me, leaving me numb and speechless.

"Are you here yet?" Shahneel asked.

"Shubman is getting married?" I echoed, my voice hollow with disbelief.

"Are you dumb? Didn't he tell you?"
"They're marriage was fixed 1 month ago"
Shahneel's words pierced through me, connecting the dots and shedding light on the sudden revelations.
(Shahneel don't have any idea about ishman)

Everything suddenly made sense-the cryptic remarks, the mysterious atmosphere.

The waves of betrayal crashed over me like a relentless storm, drowning out any semblance of trust.

The heartbreak I never fathomed, the deception I never anticipated-it all hit me like a freight train, leaving me gasping for air in a whirlwind of emotions.
Panic coursed through my veins, each heartbeat echoing the shock of this sudden revelation.

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