Ch:15 His part of the story

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☆There's a small smut part. If you don't want to read it, you can skip and read the rest. I've marked the start and end of it.
Note: this chapter is very important!

Ishan awoke to the comforting embrace of strong arms, a sharp pang of pain in his lower region immediately drawing his attention.
Turning to gaze beside him, he was met with the serene sight of Shubman's sleeping form, tightly enveloping him in a protective embrace. Memories of their passionate night flooded back.

Attempting to shift, Ishan winced at the sensation of something still inside him, prompting him to peek beneath the blanket. His eyes widened in disbelief as he beheld Shubman's member still nestled within him, leaving him sore.

With a mixture of discomfort and resignation, Ishan reluctantly disentangled himself from Shubman's member, the pain of separation only adding to his physical discomfort.

As he gingerly rose from the bed, Ishan's movements were hindered by the lingering ache in his body, a reminder of the passion they had shared.
Wrapping only a plain white towel around his waist, he was half naked.

He ventured towards the balcony leaving shubman behind, seeking solace in the cool morning air.
Gazing out at the serene landscape, Ishan couldn't help but be reminded of Shubman's order-
"You'll wait until i awaken to grace my day with your beautiful face. Do you understand?"
But now it's just some silly old past.

Now, Ishan grappled with the sobering reality that Shubman would awaken beside Sara, her face the first he would see each morning, their morning rituals forever altered by the presence of another.

His bitter thoughts were interrupted when someone back-hugged him.

"Shubman?", asked ishan.

"Yes my love"
Shubman was now awake.

"Did I not ask you to stay beside me until I wakeup, so i could see your pretty little face first?"

"I-, Shubman there's no need now we're never gonna sleep together ever, you have Sara with you now, you are married" last words did hurt Ishan.

Shubman gently turned Ishan's waist, urging him to meet his gaze. With a hint of frustration in his tone, Shubman implored Ishan to voice the questions swirling within his mind.

"You don't know anything !"
"Why haven't you asked me about all the doubts and what actually happened?" Shubman's words carried a touch of anger, fueled by the weight of unspoken concerns.

"I've shown you my love, Ishan. You know I'm not a lier and I'm also not capable of betraying you," he asserted with unwavering conviction.

"I believe you," Ishan replied, but his frustration bubbled to the surface.

"But why? What led you to agree to this? What compelled you to betray us?" His words were laced with confusion and hurt, seeking answers to the tumultuous emotions that gripped his heart.

(Smut part starts)

The seriousness of the situation hung heavy in the air, yet Shubman's gaze betrayed a surge of desire as his eyes roamed over Ishan's exposed body, his eyes stopped when he noticed ishan only had a white towel wrapped around his waist.
With a swift motion, he stripped away Ishan's towel, leaving him vulnerable and bare on the balcony, fully exposed to the world.

Before Ishan could utter a word of protest, Shubman seized him, twisting his waist, his back was now turned towards him.

"Shubman wtf let me go, give me the damn towel, I'm exposed MOTHERFUCKER."

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