Ch:7 Money & power

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Author: Few days back

"I want Shubman," he demanded, slamming his hand on the table in anger. "Do you understand me?"

"I'm sorry, sir," came the calm response, "but regardless of your motives, acquiring him is simply not feasible.

"Such a demand goes against the very principles of cricketing ethics and legality."

"Bring me the suitcase here," he ordered his bodyguard, Mohit, with frustration evident in his voice.

Mohit, along with three more bodyguards, all of them dressed in black suits and ties, stood tall and muscular with impeccable posture. Their attentive demeanor exuded an aura of professionalism and readiness, entered the meeting room. Each bodyguard carried a black suitcase, placing them on the table in front of everyone.

"Open them," he commanded, his voice heavy, and with a click, the suitcases were opened. The members of the meeting widened their eyes, as they gazed upon the treasures within,

"Money! Lots of money! Bundles of it!"

Greed overtaking their expressions as if their mouths were about to hang open with saliva dripping.

"These are for the deal. I'll bring more—" he began, but before he could finish, a senior member interrupted,

"We accept your deal. You now possess full autonomy over Shubman."
the senior member declared confidently, his eyes still fixed on the treasure infront of him.

"Henceforth, we shall manage everything" another member added, his tone laced with sinister intent.
"Feel free to manipulate his career or whatever else you desire. We shall not intervene in your decisions henceforth."

A smug, knowing smirk graced Sachin's lips as he realized the extent of his newfound power.

He rose from his seat with such force that the chair recoiled, casually adjusting his coat collar.

"So, the deal is sealed," he declared confidently, his voice carrying a sense of finality. "I shall take my leave now."

As he reached the door, he paused, turning back to address the room with a harsh, commanding tone.

"Remember," he said sternly, "the payment has been made in full. I expect the work to be executed to perfection. I will not tolerate any disruptions from Shubman. It is your responsibility to manage him effectively. My involvement must remain concealed from the media at all costs."

With that, he swept out of the room, leaving behind a lingering aura of authority and control.


Shubman's pov:

We've just returned from our vacation, and it was truly the best time of our lives. Everything seemed to fall into place when Ishan was by my side. The knot of togetherness between us felt stronger, filling the gaps we often feel in our hectic schedules.

Usually, we only have time for each other when we're together in our hotelroom at night, but being on that island together made me realize how much richer life could be if we were always together, sharing meals, and cooking each other's favorite dishes.

Each day felt like a beautiful song.
I've never experienced such a profound sense of contentment as I did in those past few days.

However, our bliss was abruptly interrupted by a phone call bearing unwelcome news.

Despite the setback, I did my best to shield Ishan from the news, determined to make the most of our remaining time together.

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