Ch:19 Stubborn

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Smut ahead

Ishan gulped at the sight of Shubman's exposed body. It had been a while since he had seen him naked. Back when they were roommates, Shubman frequently came out of the shower half-naked, which was the main reason for Ishan's frequent moments of gay panic.

Hypnotized by the sight of Shubman's naked form, Ishan reached out to trace the contours of his body. His fingers touched Shubman's abs, caressing up and down. Suddenly, Shubman swatted his hand away harshly and clenched Ishan's jaw tightly.

"Don't you dare," Shubman glared at him, his eyes burning with intensity.

Ishan tried to escape from his grip, still attempting to prevent Shubman from proceeding any further.

"Stop being so stubborn," Shubman spat out.
"I'm going to fuck this stubbornness out of you."

With that, he picked up Ishan's leg, placing it on top of his shoulder, positioning himself between Ishan's legs. Ishan turned his head to the side in defiance, displaying his stubbornness. Shubman gripped Ishan's jaw tightly, forcing him to look directly at him.

Now sliding his hand to Ishan's neck, Shubman began to choke him tightly,  as he leaned closer, his teeth glittering and his jaw tensed as he said,
"Look at me while I fuck this stubborn ass of yours."

As he tightened his grip on Ishan's neck, Shubman entered him in one go, not letting ishan double think.

It wasn't that either of them was angry or filled with hatred. Instead, the intensity between them stemmed from a buildup of emotions: longing, desperation, lust, anger, and especially the emptiness they both felt in each other's absence. All these feelings were surfacing now.

Ishan moaned loudly, looking into Shubman's eyes, his mouth agape at the raw sensation. It felt like he was being taken for the first time. Shubman pushed himself fully inside Ishan and smirked at the expression on his face.

"Tell me," Shubman demanded.

"No—ahhh," Ishan moaned as Shubman withdrew and then slammed into him again roughly, causing Ishan to roll his eyes and dig his nails into Shubman's shoulders.

"I won't, I won't" Ishan managed to say between thrusts. "I—ahh, won't."

Shubman had enough of Ishan's defiance. He increased his pace to an animalistic speed, showing no mercy. The sound of their bodies slamming together echoed throughout the cottage, the bed shaking and hitting the wall behind them.

Ishan had to grasp the headboard to keep himself steady. His small frame was a stark contrast to Shubman's larger body, making the act seem almost overwhelming. Ishan's cries filled the room, a mix of pleasure and pain, as he was reduced to a crying mess under Shubman's relentless thrust.

Shubman straightened up and reached for another full bottle of alcohol. Pausing his thrusting, he opened the bottle with his teeth. Ishan, feeling irritated by the interruption, pushed himself, signaling his desire for Shubman to continue. In response, Shubman slapped his thigh and ordered, "Stay still and let me drink peacefully."

Shubman chugged down half of the alcohol before pouring the rest over Ishan's body. He resumed thrusting while leaning closer to lick the alcohol from Ishan's neck. "I fucking missed your taste, love," he murmured against Ishan's skin.

"Did you miss me?" Shubman asked.

Ishan didn't respond, his silence frustrating Shubman. In a swift motion, Shubman picked him up, wrapping Ishan's legs around his waist, his dick still inside him as he slammed Ishan against the wall.

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