Ch:14 Forever one

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☆This chapter contains smut

In the depths of Ishan's longing, a fervent desire burned fiercely within him-a yearning to merge with Shubman, to become one entity intertwined in the tapestry of their love.
For Ishan, he wanted the memories of the wedding day to be just an illusion, the only truth he sought lay is the tender embrace of Shubman, enveloping him.
Shubman, full of love ready to pour in him.

Leaning in close, shubman trailed a path of wet kisses along Ishan's neck, each one leaving a mark of possession in its wake.
Ishan's soft moans of pleasure only spurred Shubman on, driving him to mark Ishan's skin as his own.

With meticulous care, Shubman painted Ishan's neck with a canvas of visible hickeys.

Shubman's favorite spot, the mole nestled on his neck, god!

Kissing it gently before biting it with his teeth, Ishan elicited a gasp of pleasure, his body arching with need.

Trailing further down Ishan's chest, Shubman left a trail of kisses, and as he paused to admire his artwork, he couldn't help but be overwhelmed by the sight of Ishan, lost in a haze of pleasure and desire.

Fuck love! look at you, so fucking pretty!

Ishan an akin to a vanilla cake adorned with sprinkles- hickey

With his hair tousled and eyes closed in bliss, Ishan's body was adorned with Shubman's marks.
His hands clenched tightly on the edge of the sheet, Ishan was a vision of exquisite beauty, a sight that stirred something primal within Shubman.

Sudden change of emotion took over as Shubman tenderly caressed his fingers along Ishan's cheeks, his eyes filled with adoration as he spoke softly,
"I wish I could bear all the pain you've endured because of me"
There was a sorrowful undertone to his words, a longing to alleviate the burdens weighing heavy on Ishan's heart.

"Please, help me forget the nightmare, Shubman," Ishan pleaded, placing Shubman's hand gently against his cheek.

Unable to resist any longer, Shubman knew that tender touches were no longer enough. With a hunger that bordered on desperation, he vowed to take Ishan to heights of ecstasy.

Without hesitation, Shubman's lips met Ishan's in a fervent embrace, their breath mingling in a symphony of desire.
The sound of their passionate kiss echoed through the room, a melody that resonated deep within Shubman's soul, he stripped away the remaining barriers between them, leaving their bodies bare and raw.

Breaking the kiss, Shubman whispered breathlessly, "I love you," as he guided Ishan's hands above his head.
"Allow me"

Ishan nodded in consent as Shubman slowly entered him, Ishan's mouth fell agape, his breath caught in a symphony of gasps.
Shubman's gaze descended upon him, an unspoken exchange of trust.

Gradually, Shubman quickened his pace, as Shubman delved deeper, Ishan's back arched in response each movement fraught with pain yet overshadowed by the overwhelming sensation of being consumed by Shubman's love.

As Shubman delved deeper, Ishan's gaze drifted upwards to the mirror above the bed, where he caught sight of their intertwined forms reflected back at him. A blush tinted his cheeks as he watched himself, feeling exposed and vulnerable.

"AH" With a sharp intake of breath, Shubman's fervent thrusts elicited a primal cry from Ishan's lips

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With a sharp intake of breath, Shubman's fervent thrusts elicited a primal cry from Ishan's lips.

Ishan pulled him closer, finding refuge in the sturdy breadth of his broad shoulder. As Shubman's lips found their way to Ishan's neck.

Nails dug into Shubman's skin, tracing fiery patterns of passion down his back.
Though Shubman winced at the sensation of Ishan's nails grazing his flesh, the raw intensity of their connection drowned out any discomfort.

Through the mirror's reflection, Ishan beheld the marks he had left upon Shubman's back, with a sense of pride swelling within him.

Shubman's hisses of pleasure mingled with the echo of Ishan's moans, the intensity of their connection reaching new heights.
Shubman's gripped around Ishan's neck, his gaze locked in a fierce exchange, Ishan's eyes shone with innocence, he thrusted hard in reply of the teasing eyes.

Shubman observed the bulge on Ishan's stomach.
As Shubman's thrusts quickened, the sight of Ishan's abdomen undulating with each movement pushed him closer to the brink of release.

"Ishan be mine"
"Shubman please have me forever"

In a tender gesture of commitment, Shubman retrieved the rose from behind Ishan's ear, placing it gently upon his lips before sealing their connection with a final kiss.

Shubman's climax surged forth, overwhelmed by the intensity of pleasure, Ishan succumbed to unconsciousness with a blissful moan, his body spent from their union.

Gazing upon his beloved with a mixture of admiration and affection, Shubman bestowed a final peck upon Ishan's lips before settling beside him beneath the comforting embrace of the blanket.

Shubman didn't pull out from Ishan, he sought to remain connected as one.

He cradled Ishan close to his chest
"You did so well love" he praised, his love a beacon of solace in the darkness of the night.

With Ishan nestled in his arms, Shubman drifted into a peaceful sleep, their bodies entwined in a silent promise of everlasting devotion.


I'm sorry it's my first time writing a smut chapter, so I may not be so good at it.
But I really tried conveying the feelings and desire between ishman during their intimacy.

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