Ch:5 Trust me and thrust in me.

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I stood frozen, my body refusing to obey as my mind struggled to comprehend the unspoken agreement, my thoughts consumed by the silent exchange between us.

Ishan had departed silently some time ago, leaving behind a silence.


Next morning

Shubman's pov:

I woke up to find an emptiness beside me, a void where his presence usually filled the space.

Normally, he would be nestled snugly against my chest.
Yet, today, his familiar form was absent.

I rose from my bed, reaching out in search of him.

Eventually, I found him in the backyard, the morning sun casting a soft glow upon him as he stretched his arms skyward. His T-shirt rode up slightly, offering a tantalizing glimpse of skin.

Approaching him for a hug, i hesitated, the memories of yesterday's events gave me a pause, sending shivers down my spine. But in the end, I couldn't resist the pull towards him.

With a mixture of hesitation, I wrapped my arms around his waist, inside his tshirt, back-hugging him. Burying my face into the crook of his neck, drinking in his scent.
Feeling his skin.

Ishan's pov:

I rose early today, a departure from our usual routine where Shubman was often the first to awaken.
Gazing fondly at my beloved, I tenderly loosened his grasp from around me as I settled into a seated position, my eyes fixed on him.

Yesterday had left us both speechless and flustered, yet here we were, entwined in each other's embrace.

I couldn't help but marvel at him.

He was the one to own-my heart, my soul, my everything.

Lost in the tranquility of the moment, I sat silently, my mind blissfully empty, captivated by the sight before me. With a gentle touch, i covered him with a blanket, ensuring he remained warm and comfortable as he continued to slumber.

I got up making sure not to disturb his sleep.

Stepping into the backyard, the allure of the morning sun and the promise of fresh air beckoned me.

Stretching my arms, taking in a deep yawn to welcome the new day.

In the tranquility of the moment, a sudden warmth enveloped my naked waist, causing me to startle at the unexpected touch.
Without needing to glance behind me, I knew instinctively who it was - my beloved.

As I leaned back slightly in the comforting embrace of my man's chest. Closing my eyes, I savored the feeling of his presence.

My love, why did you leave? You know my day cannot truly begin until I've been graced by the sight of your beautiful face upon waking.

I'm sorry

You'll wait until i awaken to grace my day with your presence. Do you understand? -his last tone was demanding.

Yes shubie -such a simp!

Today, I'll take you to my favorite place. I want you to be the first one to visit there -kiss kiss

Leaving my heart with youWhere stories live. Discover now