Ch:18 Let me help you

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Six months later

"Did ishan kishan drop out of cricket, or is he on a break?"
The newsreporter questioned taking complete attention of the viewers.

She continued:
"According to the information given by bcci on October 2023- ishan took a break due to mental fatigue, but here, point to be noted it's already March 2024. Today marks 6 months and all the fans of ishan kishan have still not heard any information about him.
Is his break not over yet?
When is he returning back to cricket ?
Is there any information bcci or the cricket team is hiding ?
To know all the information stay connected to CRC NEWS CHAN-."
Shubman switched of the TV.

In a poignant scene, Shubman sat with his hand gently massaging his temples, a palpable sense of distress emanating from his weary frame. The haze of alcohol still lingered, casting a somber shadow over his troubled countenance.

Since that day when his search for Ishan yielded no results, Shubman had been consumed by an unrelenting yearning.
Day after day, he scoured every conceivable nook and cranny, from the echoing corridors of stadiums to the familiar Ishan's favorite ice cream parlor, in a desperate bid to find his ishan. After his practise he always wait patiently at the hotel they last met, clinging to the hope that Ishan would return.

Yet, despite his unwavering determination, Ishan remained an elusive enigma, haunting Shubman's every waking moment with his absence. The passing of six agonizing months only served to deepen his despair.

Shubman sought refuge in the numbing embrace of alcohol, surrendering to its seductive allure in a futile attempt to drown out the pain.
But with each passing day, the line between reality and illusion blurred, leaving him lost in a bewildering maze.

His once vibrant spirit dimmed by the relentless passage of time. His eyes, once bright with hope, now bore the weight of his silent suffering, reflecting the anguish of a soul.

The thought of informing Ishan's family about his disappearance loomed ominously, casting a shadow of dread over his already troubled mind. How could he possibly explain the inexplicable, the inexplicable absence of their beloved son and brother?

Despite the earnest efforts of his teammates to console him and assist in the search for Ishan, Shubman found himself grappling with the overwhelming sense of helplessness that pervaded his every waking moment.

As the clock struck 4:00 PM, Shubman rose from his chair, his resolve unshaken as he prepared to venture out into the world once more to find Ishan.
With each step, he clung to the hope of finding him, his heart heavy with the weight of uncertainty.

Standing before the mirror, Shubman's gaze fell upon the seashell necklace that adorned his neck, a tangible reminder of Ishan's enduring presence in his life. With a heavy sigh, he reached out to touch the pendant and kissed it.
As if the kiss was magical- a surge of realization hit through his veins.

"Could Ishan be at the cottage on the island they once visited together?"
The thought pierced through the fog of despair, igniting a flicker of hope within Shubman's weary heart.

"From now on this island is my favourite place. If I'm nowhere to be found, come find me here"

Recalling Ishan's words, spoken with the fervor of conviction, Shubman felt a surge of determination wash over him.

💓(Listen to "Oo mere dil ke chain" for better experience)

Without a moment's hesitation, Shubman grabbed his wallet and phone, his mind filled with determination as he raced to the airport, urgency coursing through his veins. Boarding a flight to the island, he felt his heart pounding in his chest, the anticipation and hope driving him forward. This island was his last beacon of hope.

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