Ch:8 Slave

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"You're not being of any help," shubhman exclaimed, his voice trembling with frustration.

As Shubman received the news of Sachin's presence in the changing  room of the stadium in which he was practising right now, a fiery determination ignited in his eyes.
With each step towards the dressing room, his anger burned brighter, fueling his resolve.

Inside, Sachin awaited, poised to deliver the final verdict on the 'so-called marriage' himself.

With a swagger, Shubman swung open the door to find Sachin seated nonchalantly in a chair, his posture oozing with confidence. Not a muscle twitched as he remained seated, his dominant presence filling the room.

A sense of foreboding washed over Shubman, a gut feeling warning him that things were about to take a turn for the worse.


Shubman's pov:

"You're not being of any help," i exclaimed.

Silence greeted his words, echoing in the emptiness of the room.

"Why won't you answer me?" I demanded, a glint of desperation flashing in my eyes.

The response was callous, indifferent.

"Help? I would kill you for my dog, let alone Sara," he sneered, his tone dripping with disdain. Eyes looking at me with disgust.
"You came to the wrong person for help, kid." He said chuckling.

His words pierced through me like daggers, I felt the weight of my own folly crashing down upon me. How could I have been so foolish to seek aid from someone so devoid of compassion?

I can sense my future.
Everything I hold dear- myself, my career, my love- my ishan, slipping away from me, like a distant mirage fading into oblivion.

A tapestry of loss and despair stretching out endlessly. Each thread of hope shredding and shredding, until there was nothing left but emptiness.

It wasn't the fear of jeopardizing my career that left me feeling this helpless;
It's something much deeper.

"The thought of betraying Ishan, my love."
The thought pierced me.

If someone were to stab me deep in my heart, or even if they were to tear me apart slowly, starting with peeling my skin, the physical pain would pale in comparison to the anguish of betraying Ishan.

"He deserve someone better than me. Someone who can love and protect him, unlike me who can't even help himself.

I couldn't shake the regret of confessing my feelings to him. I should have kept them buried deep within me, allowing the pain to consume me alone, sparing him the agony of my betrayal.

I wast lost then a mere tsk from Sachin Sir jolted me back to the present.
My mind was so clouded that I momentarily forgot that im still standing before Sachin Sir.

Tsk- used in writing to represent the sound made to show you disapproval of something.

"Look at you," Sachin remarked, his tone laced with mockery.

"The colors have faded from your face."
His faux sympathy dripped with sarcasm as he continued,
"Too bad. I feel sorry for you, Shubman."

His words cut through me like a knife, leaving me speechless.

"Come on man atleast give me a smile, i'm giving you my daughter. MY daughter." -he said

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