Ch:17 ISHAAN!??

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Ishan meticulously packs his belongings.
His journey to Mumbai, intended as a cathartic escape to confide in Mayank, took an unexpected turn, and he ended up in a bed making love with Shubman.
Now, as he prepares to return home, Ishan is determined to set aside thoughts of Shubman and focus on reconnecting with his family.

With his bags neatly packed and his resolve steeled, Ishan approaches the door, however, a sudden knock interrupts his departure.

Who could it be? Only Mayank and Shubman are aware of his presence in Mumbai and his whereabouts in this hotel room.

Recalling that Mayank is occupied with matches and Shubman has remained silent since their last encounter, Ishan's curiosity is piqued.


At 4:30pm

As Shubman sank onto the garden bench, a heavy sigh escaped his lips, his thoughts swirling with a mixture of relief and regret.

The whirlwind of events since his marriage to Sara had left him grappling with a relentless schedule, his commitments to his practice and newfound domestic life vying for his attention.
Obviously he's too young for marriage.

Shubman couldn't shake the nagging feeling of guilt for leaving Ishan in a state of uncertainty, due to his busy schedule.
He didnt get the chance to talk to him, but when he did he turned into a coward and failed to face him.
Like that the days had slipped by in a blur, leaving Ishan's concerns unaddressed and their connection strained.

Shubman finally seized the opportunity to reach out to Ishan, his fingers hovering over the dial pad as he dialed Ishan's number.
But only rings came from the other side, the absence of a response echoing in the empty air.

He dialed again but was faced with disappointment.

Perhaps Ishan was preoccupied with his own affairs or maybe he is still unhappy with him.

With a heavy heart he sighed & set aside his phone.

Shubman's mind raced with possibilities as he pondered Ishan's whereabouts.
With a flicker of hope, he decided to reach out to Mayank, Ishan's close friend, in search of answers. Dialing Mayank's number, he waited anxiously for a response.

"Hello," Shubman.

"Sup," Mayank replied.

"Is Ishan with you?" Shubman inquired, cutting straight to the chase.

"I don't know, why are you asking me? I'm out for matches, remember?" Mayank responded, his confusion evident.

"Oh yes, sorry. By the way, do you know where Ishan is?" Shubman queried, his urgency palpable.

"He said he's coming to Mumbai for some days and will head back to Bihar soon, so I think he might have returned home by now," Mayank explained, offering the information he had.

"Thanks, man! All the best for your matches," Shubman acknowledged, gratitude lacing his words.

After concluding his conversation with Mayank, Shubman wasted no time in reaching out to Ishan's brother, Raj Kishan.

Their bond, forged when he sticked around ishan and went to Bihar with him, that's when they shared their number.

"Hello, bhaiya," Shubman greeted respectfully as Raj answered the call.

"Han, Shubman?" Raj responded, confirming his identity.

"Ji bhaiya," Shubman acknowledged.

"Vo bhaiya, Ishan ghar aa gaya kya?" Shubman inquired eagerly, hoping for news of Ishan's return.

"Nahi, vo Mumbai mein hai na?" Raj replied, his tone echoing Shubman's uncertainty.

Shubman's heart sank at the confirmation of Ishan's continued absence.

"Kahan aya hai abhi, nai aya hai" Raj pressed further.

"Accha, bhaiya," Shubman replied with a forced sense of acceptance, masking his disappointment as he ended the call.

Shubman's worry for Ishan only deepened.
The suspense surrounding Ishan's absence gnawed at Shubman's senses, fueling a relentless urge to seek out his love until he found him.

"Kahan hoga, ghum raha hoga," Shubman murmured softly to himself, his words a desperate attempt to soothe the racing beat of his heart and built up fuss in his mind.

With determination coursing through his veins, Shubman swiftly made his way to his car, heading towards his destination.

Finally, he arrived at the hotel where they had last met, his pulse quickening with anticipation as he scanned the surroundings for any sign of Ishan.

Approaching the receptionist with a sense of urgency, Shubman politely inquired about the occupants of room number 27.

However, met with resistance due to the hotel's privacy policy, he improvised, fabricating a story about having left something behind in the room.

"Actually, I booked that room a few days ago, and I believe I left something there. Could you please check if Ishan Kishan is staying there? He's a friend of mine, and I can ask him to bring the item to me," Shubman explained, his tone convincing yet tinged with urgency.

The receptionist, empathizing with Shubman's predicament, agreed to check the room's occupancy.
After a brief pause, the receptionist delivered the news that Ishan Kishan had checked out of room 27 several days prior.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes absolutely sir"

not satisfied with the response, Shubman sought confirmation, prompting the receptionist to reaffirm Ishan's absence from the room.

"And sir about your missing item, if we find-"
Shubman left the hotel before she speaks further.

As the day gave way to dusk, Shubman found himself standing outside the hotel room, consumed by a whirlwind of emotions. The serene beauty of the setting sun and the emergence of the moon painted a stark contrast to the turmoil raging within him.
Despite the pleasant weather, a sense of dread hung heavy in the air, suffocating him with each passing moment.

Questions swirled in Shubman's mind, each one more agonizing than the last. Where is Ishan?
Is he OK?
What could he possibly say to Ishan's family?
Why do he always end up hurting ishan?
Regret gnawed at him relentlessly, casting a shadow over his thoughts.

"He wished he never left him like that"

"He wished he could turn back time and atleast leave the hotel room with him or drop him at the airport,"

"Leave me ishan"
"Go away"
As he replayed the scene in his mind, Shubman's heart ached.

Shubman's anguish erupted into a raw, primal scream, tears mingling with his cries as he grappled with the overwhelming sense of loss and remorse.

Though people were throwing glances his way, he didn't care- he screamed his heart out crying.

Sinking to his knees, Shubman surrendered to his grief, his heartrending plea echoing into the night.
"Where are you, Ishan?"
he cried out, the anguish in his voice.

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