Ch:3 He will

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As he sat in his car, the weight of his decision lingered heavily on his mind, . Despite the relief of honesty, he wondered if he made the right choice rejecting Sara. Even though he felt a bit relieved after being honest, his mind was still a mess as he made his way towards his hotel room.

With each step down the hallway, thoughts raced through his mind. Tomorrow's match loomed ahead, a reminder of the need for calm amidst the storm within.

Walking down the hallway, he noticed Ishan's room door slightly ajar. Peering inside, he saw Ishan lay sprawled on the bed, one arm supporting his head while the other casually scrolled through his phone.

Ishan's messy hair made him look so relaxed and comfortable. My stress ball.

He casually walked in sitting on the edge of his bed. Looking at ishan with need in his eyes.

If Ishan had to explain his eyes, he'd say... "yearn to be enveloped in warmth."

They speak of a desire for love, a craving to be cherished in a world that often feels cold and distant. He just want to be trapped inside a ball with just him and me.

His eyes were turning coffee- like he's trapped in a small space, craving closeness and connection.

Coffee, especially during those lonely nights when work feels overwhelming and the weight of the day hangs heavy on tired shoulders. That's what shub feels rn.
In those moments, a warm cup of coffee becomes more than just a beverage—it's a comforting companion, a silent ally in the darkness.

The cup carries with it a reminder that they are not alone, that there is someone

"Shubman's eyes, look like they're tired and longing for something warm and cozy"

Shubman's pov:

I sat at the edge for about two minutes or three then he slightly leaned to envelop ishans waist burying my face in his stomach. Laying down flat.


Ishan threw his phone away not caring where it lands as he approached him, his fingers gently trailing through his hair, Leaning in, he pressed a tender kiss to his forehead, a silent reassurance of his presence and unwavering support.

That's when shubman spoke
"I rejected sara"

Ishan was shocked at this sudden news.
He collected himself and said-

You did great! How do you feel rn 

Idk my heart feels light but my mind feels otherwise. What if Sachin sir gets to know what will he say??

They are mature enough to understand I hope they won't take it to themselves.

With that shubman slid his hand inside ishans loose t-shirt feeling his skin.
It took no long.
Shubman and Ishan found themselves succumbing to the gentle lull of sleep.


Sara's pov:

I am sitting inside my room on my bed.
Tears falling,
DANG I can't even handle a rejection STUPID STUPID STUPIDD

My heart raced as i tried to hide my emotions from my father.

She knew if he found out about Shubman rejecting her, it could cause trouble. She loved Shubman but didn't want to burden him.

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