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Miss Siti: Students of Class N4-T1, I hope you've had a good summer break; there's no time to waste, the results of your entry test are in so quickly get acquainted with your new classmates for the coming school year.

Ashley (Thought): You must be thinking how I got here, it all started from...

Ashley: N4-T1!? But that's year two!

Miss Siti: Well seeing as you join T1-T5 in the middle of the semester and with the new banding system implemented, you can see this is a good way for you to catch up on your academics.

[Ayaka and Takeshi enter the scene]

Takeshi: [Slight bow] おはようございます。You must be a new student. 

Ashley: Are you two my classmates?

Miss Siti: Nope. Ayaka and Takeshi, as seniors, could you help the new students adjust to the new environment?

Takeshi: Sure.

Ayaka: Seniors? I've only been in this school a couple weeks.

Takeshi: 君はもう上級生だ。慣れろ。(You're in the senior class now. Get used to it.)

Kevin and Vincent

Vincent: Come on, move along now, Move along. I got places to be and it's definitely not here. Go go.

Kevin: Random bag check, let's go. [Grabs Jackson's bag and checks the content]

Vincent: He- hey, let's go, let's go; move it, move it.

Kevin (To Jackson): Aha! This is not allowed inside the hall. Now, hands on the wall!

Vincent: It's just tape, Kevin.

Kevin: Well you may never know what they're going to do with it.

Kevin (To Jackson): Do you have anything else to declare? [Jackson shakes-head] Are you sure? [Jackson nods]

Sunny and Timmy

Sunny: Why are there so many new faces today!?

Timmy: Isn't that great, Sunny? So many new friends to make today, yay!

Sunny: New friends!? Did I miss something!?

[While the students chatters, Mrs. Regna interrupts them by dropping a sheets of paper to the table]

Mrs. Guizhong: All of you, quiet down. Now, in Titan Academy, we have certain standards to uphold. Hence, before moving on to join your classes, all students are required to partake in a compulsory entrance test to ensure that you are placed in the correct bar based on your academic abilities.

Rakesh Gupta: [Puzzled] What? A test on the first day?

Mr. Alan: Now this test is rather simple and casual by our standards. You may even work together if need be; however, it goes without saying that any failures will mean that you would be unable to enroll in Titan Academy.

Robin (To Amethyst): [Desperate] But my parents already paid for my school fees!

Samantha: Why do I still have to take an entrance exam?

Mr. Alan: Do you really have something to say!?

Mrs. Tori: If you have no further questions, we will begin the test now; collect the papers and complete it by noon. Seniors, set a good example and ensure that they don't cause any trouble.

Takeshi: It's clear now. Me and Kevin will ensure these juniors don't cause any trouble.

[Vincent waves back to front and Kevin fixes his tie]

Mrs. Regna: Good.

Samantha (To Herself): Why is this so hard? It's only the first day and I'm already screwed.

Ashley: [Enters the scene] Is everything alright? Do you need help? Don't worry about a test, it was simple the first time I did it.

Samantha: This is already the third school that I've been transferred to, what kind of school has a surprise test on the first day!?

Ashley: It's really not that bad; besides, Titan Academy is different, the students here are really friendly...

[Hakim slams Pei Shi's book to the ground]

Hakim (To Pei Shi): [Aggressively] Ha! Pick it up! [Left the scene]

Ashley: Well... some of the students here are really friendly but at least we have really great teachers...

[Mr. Salim scolds Kat for being same excuse]

Mr. Salim (To Kat): This is the third time this week same excuse over and over again! What's wrong with you!?

Samantha: Fine, I guess giving it a short is better than getting transferred around again.

Ashley: Perfect! Let's work on this together, come on. Okay so... the first one-

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