So the transcript hasn't been updated in a while so I'm starting from here. When Takeshi first appeared.

[Mr. Muthu Raja enters the class]

Ren Yi Xiang: Class stand!

[People around Ren Yi Xiang stands up]

Good Students: [in a dull tone] Good morning, Mr. Muthu Raja.

Mr. Muthu Raja: 'Kay, sit.

Mr. Muthu Raja: Alright.

[Mr. Muthu Raja looks to the right side of the room and see that the Bad Students are not present]

Mr. Muthu Raja: Eh? Where's the other half of the class?

[At the same time, the Bad Students only start to enter the class]

JianHao: Hey, Mr. Muthu Raja!

[JianHao fist bumps Mr. Muthu Raja]

Dan: [slaps Mr. Muthu Raja's hand] Nippon Paint!

Melissa: Selfie! [poses for phone selfie with Mr. Muthu Raja]

Nicole: [passes Mr. Muthu Raja an empty Starbucks cup] Can you help me throw this?

[Mr. Muthu Raja sighs, but does Nicole's request]

Mr. Muthu Raja: So, we have a new student coming today. Please come in.

[Takeshi enters the class, obviously looking frustrated from last week]

Mr. Muthu Raja: Please introduce yourself.

Takeshi: はじめまして... (Nice to meet you...) [politely bows}

Melissa: What's with him?

JianHao: I heard from a girl in V0-DK4 that he barely talks.

Mr. Muthu Raja: Okay, class. Today, I am going to explain this new formula: PE = N1S. Alright, now I am going to expand the PE = N15.

[The Good Students quickly take down notes]

Mr. Muthu Raja: P is for penetration. E is for elevation. N is for 'Nowledge.

Takeshi: [confused, but takes notes]

Mr. Muthu Raja: So penetration is-

[As Mr. Muthu Raja is facing the whiteboard, the Bad Students play around and chill]

Mr. Muthu Raja: -in and out. Elevation is-

[Mr. Muthu Raja turns back towards the Bad Students but the Bad Students act like they are copying down notes. When Mr. Muthu Raja turns back to board however, the Bad Students continue to play around]

Mr. Muthu Raja: And 'Nowledge is in your brain. And One-

[Mr. Muthu Raja quickly turns back to the Bad Students, but the Bad Students were faster and acted like they are copying down notes again. However, the Bad Students play around again when Mr. Muthu Raja turns his back on them]

Dan: Cristiano Ronaldo! [throws paper ball at JianHao]

[Mr. Muthu Raja quickly turns back at the Bad Students]

Mr. Muthu Raja: Ah-hah!

[But the Bad Students were even faster, and acted like they were paying attention. However, the Bad Students go back to horsing around after Mr. Muthu Raja goes back to writing on the board]

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