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Mrs. Nancy: [Placed thyme on top of food] That's how you perfect a Savory Mac and cheese.

Ayaka: Pfft, that's way too easy.

Class: [Surprised] Wow!

Mrs. Nancy: And now, get into the groups you have been assigned.

[Each group heads to their station]

Ren Yi Xiang: Okay let go.

Mrs. Nancy: Now, I know we are all eager to get cooking; but first, let's talk about why we're here. Home Economics, can anybody tell me why learning to cook and managing a home is so important?

Denise: [Raised her hand] So that we can take care of our future homes?

[Mrs. Nancy nods]

Debbie: So that we can have yummy food every day!

Ren Yi Xiang: So we can have women everyday! It's to impress the ladies.

Mrs. Nancy: That's not all Home Economics is about, cooking is just one of the expects and it takes a lot more to impress women!

[Ren Yi Xiang talking to his groupmate while Mrs. Nancy is talking]

Mrs. Nancy: There will be absolutely no talking when I'm talking! Let's not waste any more time, your task is to whip up anything based on the class approved dishes, do your best as the judges will be here to grade you based on the taste, presentation and ability to work as a team.

Denise, Ayaka and Vincent

Denise: So... how about we make some pie?

Vincent: Why pie?

Denise: I'm good to Math you see, Pi is equals to 3.141592-

Ayaka: He meant the desert pie, not the mathematical symbol pi.

Vincent: Denise- Denise- Denise- Denise, this is cooking, it's totally different.

Denise: Alright in that case, I suggest... Beef Wellington.

Vincent: You know that's the hardest dish to perfect, right?

Denise: Exactly! That's how we're going to get a good grade, we're going to make the best Beef Wellington that has ever existed.

Ayaka: What about... sushi? That's also hard to perfect.


Ayaka: Fine. Let's stick to Beef Wellington, then.

Madeline, Takeshi and JianHao

JianHao: [Annoyed] So annoying.

Madeline: JianHao, what do you want to eat? I'll make it for you!

JianHao: Uh... Maddy, I think we're supposed to make food for the judges... not for each other.

Madeline: Well, doesn't mean I can't make something extra for you.

JianHao: Well in that case, I would like a Bún Chả, Bún Đậu Mắm Tôm and a Bánh Mi

Madeline: [Puzzled] Bánh Mi?

JianHao: You know Vietnamese stuff.

Madeline: Well... I guess I could learn that. [Trying to find out the ingredients]

Takeshi: Maybe a traditional Japanese breakfast will work.

Madeline: The heck?

JianHao: Uh, you know what? How about we just do pasta?

Madeline: Oh! I know how to do pasta! But I promise to learn the Bánh Mi.

Vincent (To Denise): [Peeks behind them] You want to do the Bánh Mi?

Takeshi: Hey, you two! Get back to work!

JianHao: S-sorry...

Ben, Debbie and Julynn

Debbie: I heard that we can make this really tender slow cooked chicken!

Julynn: Wow it looks amazing! But how long do we have to cook it for?

Debbie: About... Thirty-six hours?

Ben: The real question is... how tender would it be?

Debbie: Really tender, Ben.

Julynn: [Interrupts] Hello!? Am I interrupting something here!? We only have an hour to cook, how are we going to do something so long!?

Debbie: I know, I know! How about let's make overnight oats? I heard it's really healthy, simple and yummy too!

Julynn: [Panics] Overnight!? There's only Fifty-five minutes left! We can't make something that's overnight!

Ben: Uh, how about... we make, um... fried rice?

Debbie: How about- how about-

Julynn: Yes, yes, fried rice! We'll make fried rice! I'll get the rice. [Left the scene]

Debbie: And maybe we can add a smiley face on the top?

Ben: Sure.

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