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Debbie: So, who's ready for the for the SATs next week?

Ren Yi Xiang: [Dull] Not me...

Julynn: I'm so nervous, I hate exams!

Debbie: I mean, if we all have a positive attitude towards it, I think we're gonna ace it!

Julynn: I hope so, I don't want to fail!

Ayaka: I knew what the SAT paper was going to be like. I printed out the Japanese version, did it in English and had it checked by AI. I got it all correct.

Julynn: Cool! How did you know that?

Ayaka: I managed to get the ministry of education to let me see the paper.

[Denise enters the scene in a sad expression and sat down]

Debbie: Denise? Are you okay?

Denise: Yeah, I'm fine.

Kevin: Didn't you hear? Denise broke up with JianHao.

Julynn: Kevin, she's right here. Stop being so insensitive!

Denise: It's fine, it's just there's so much going on right now we have exams and all the pressure that my Mom is putting on me; and , I just wish that he trusted me enough to tell me about it rather than hide it from me.

Julynn: But you still like each other, right?

Denise: My Mom wants me to focus on the exams right now, so... I shouldn't be thinking about anything else.

Kevin: Additionally, Takeshi and the new girl Ayaka are now in a relationship!

Takeshi: Stop being annoying.

Juhi: Yo, you guys are actually studying? What's the point? It's going to be easy.

Ren Yi Xiang: I wouldn't be so cocky if I were you, I heard that this year's SAT test is going to be the hardest one yet, especially the English section.

Juhi: [Chuckles] You expect me to sit here and study for a subject that we literally speak everyday? You guys must be overthinking, who needs to study for English? At this point, they are even giving us free marks already. You know what? You guys can sit here and study English... while I study walking.

Kaho: My English isn't very good, even though I joined around the same time as Takeshi.

Juhi: Okay, you're an exception to this.

Ren Yi Xiang: Okay Juhi, if you think you're so smart, explain to me what's the meaning of 'preponderance'?

Juhi: [Confused] Pre- Pre- Peronpandan?

Ren Yi Xiang: Preponderance.

Juhi: So now you're making up words? I can make words up too. 'paramaclojnal'. You know what's that?

Ren Yi Xiang: That's actually a real word, it means 'when the time capture is being produced', bet you didn't know that, right? Heh, go study man. Walk- walk- walk, practice walking away.

[Juhi left the scene]

Debbie: Ren Yi Xiang, was that really a word?

Ren Yi Xiang: No, I made it up.

Julynn: Okay, this looks important, I going to highlight this; that too. This would probably come out for the exams!

Debbie: Julynn? Are you just going to highlight everything?

Julynn: Well... yeah, I don't want to miss anything important!

Debbie: Well, that's not how highlighting works, you're just supposed to highlight the important parts so you remember.

Julynn: But... everything seems so important, what if I miss something!? [Tries to highlight her note] What!? I just bought this yesterday!

Debbie: Relax, maybe you just try breaking it down, part by part one, chapter at a time - I'm sure you can do it, Julynn.

Julynn: You're right... or I could just ask someone for a new highlighter! [Turns back and waves but there's no people] Does anyone here have a highlighter? Hello?

Ayaka: Takeshi has like, 100.

Julynn: Thanks!

Denise: Okay, so these are my notepads and then I also have all of my notes - English, Math, Science, Literature... and then, we have pencils.

Debbie: Denise, how do you keep your life so organized? Like, how do you keep track of all your notes?

Denise: It's simple, you see, I have these accordion files and what I've done is color coded and sorted everything out in chronological order.

Kevin: I have a accordion, but I don't feel organized. [Brought out his accordion and plays it]

[Ren Yi Xiang sang in Kevin's note and as soon Kevin plays different notes, Julynn sang a part in 'Barbie girl' by AQUA]

Julynn: ♪I'm a Barbie girl!♪

[Kevin plays another notes]

Julynn: ♪In a Barbie world!♪

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