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Debbie: I can't believe we're taking the SATs, this is so nerve-wrecking.

Julynn: I know right? I'm so nervous, I feel like I'm going to forget everything I've learned!

Ren Yi Xiang: You know, I don't get what all the hype about, it's like any other exams.

Kevin: But it's not like any other exam! This exam will determine your future, our future and if you mess this up, good luck trying to apply for any Ivy league College out there.

Ren Yi Xiang: Nah it's fine, I don't like plants anyway and did you know that poison Ivy is very dangerous? It's not that important, let's just have fun!

Denise: What do you mean it's not important? If I don't do well on this, it's gonna be hard to be accepted into MIT.

Kevin: Wait, you're applying to MIT? You know that's all the way in America right? And we won't be able to see you anymore.

Denise: Yeah, my mom is insisting on it.

Vincent: MIT? You know what I'm applying to? South Harmon Institute of Technology, that's also in America, Denise.

JianHao: That's not even a real school, that's from a movie.

Vincent: What? So you're telling me that, S.H.I.T is a fake school just because it's in a movie? Hohehehehe, Next you're gonna tell me "Harvard is a real school".

Takeshi: Waseda University for me, obviously.

Ayaka: Me? Where my sister studied, Keio University!

JianHao: Are those even real?

Debbie: Wait, has everyone picked their Universities already? Don't we still have quite some time?

Denise: Well, it's always good to be prepared.

Julynn: Wait! You mean, we're not going to be in Titan Academy forever!?

JianHao: [Sighs] You know what? Let's just get this exam over with.

[A group walks through the hallway until Teverly shows up and they stopped for a while]

Teverly: Why are you guys in school uniform?

Kevin: What? You mean we're not supposed to be in uniform?

Teverly: This is a public exam, there are people from other schools. As well as people retaking the SATs just like most of you are going to do. Wouldn't it be embarrassing to take it more than once? Denise?

JianHao: I swear, I've never met a more annoying person than this guy. You know what? Ignore him, let's just go register.

Vincent: Move it Harry Potter!

Ayaka: You mean Severus Snape or Argus Filch. You got the wrong character.

[A group leaves the scene]

Julynn: Wow! Look at all these people, I didn't know that the SAT was this popular!

Denise: Yeah, it's crazy. I heard that there are over a million students taking the SATs every year.

Debbie: Ooh! Look at that guy, I've never seen anyone so ready before. [A male student getting excited after getting passed at the registration]

Julynn: And look at the girl studying last minute. [A female student reviewing the SAT]

Kevin: And look at that guy, he's probably been up all night. [A male student doesn't get enough sleep and he's drinking Red Bull]

Debbie: Oh look at that guy, looks like he's about to have a breakdown. [Ren Yi Xiang cries at the corner]

Ren Yi Xiang: [Cries] I can't take it anymore! I want to go home. Can't we take the test next year? Or the next year? Or the next year? Or the next year? Or the next year? Or the next year? O- o- [Low tone] or the next year...

Ayaka: And you think the SATs are tough? There's a test in China even tougher... the "Gaokao". There are 10 times more participants than here, and it decides literally everything.

Registrar: Next!

Dennis: SAT. [Beatboxes]

Registrar: ID please.

Dennis: ID? ID? I think I left my ID at home, But I have a picture of it on my phone.

Registrar: Sorry, but we're going to need a physical ID. If not, I can't let you in.

Dennis: But, registrations for SAT closes in 10 minutes.

Registrar: Well if I were you, I'd start running then. If you can't make it in time, your test fees will not be refunded. [Dennis leaves the scene] Next!

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