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Denise: The start of the school year is always an exciting time. The halls echo with the chatter of friends reuniting, new faces exploring the new environment, and students embarking on yet a new chapter where expectations are high. The slate is wiped clean and new adventures await. I have always been very optimistic about school. In fact, it's one of my favorite things in the world. I get to see my friends, my teachers, and learn so many new things every day. After the holidays, returning to school gives me a sense of familiarity and calmness. Yet, a strange feeling of uncertainty lingers inside me, [Bell rings] and that's the school bell. Well, no time to ponder on these thoughts now. Time for class!

Madam Soot Beng: Alright students hurry up and settle down this is the first biology class of the year and will be doing group work so get partnered up.

Madam Soot Beng: When I call out your name just say "Present". JianHao Tan?

JianHao: Present.

Madam Soot Beng: Takeshi?

Takeshi: はい!

Madam Soot Beng: Maddy?

Madeline: Present.

Madam Soot Beng: Vicky?

Vicky: Yup! I am here, present!

Madam Soot Beng: Okay? Jasmine?

Jasmine: Present...

Madam Soot Beng: Zachary?

Zachary: [Stood up and confident] Presidential, repre-, representable, presi-, presidentable, presidential.

Madam Soot Beng: Whatever, just sit down.

Zachary: Present, present what?

Madam Soot Beng: Nico- Wait, I forgot. She does not go here anymore, let me just cross this out... and Ben?

[Ben sleeping along with snoring]

Madam Soot Beng: Ben, wake up Ben.

Vincent (To Denise): Psst, watch this.

Madam Soot Beng: Ben!

Vincent: [Copying Ben's Voice] Present.

Madam Soot Beng: Okay. Ren Yi Xiang?

Vincent: [Copying Ren Yi Xiang's Voice] Present.

Madam Soot Beng: Denise?

Vincent: [Copying Denise's Voice] Present. Present, present, present.

Madam Soot Beng: Detention?

Vincent: Prese- bu- wo- wha-?

Madam Soot Beng: What a way to start off the year, Vincent.

Madam Soot Beng: Alyssa? Do we have an Alyssa anyone?

Debbie: Ben, where is your new girlfriend?

Madam Soot Beng (In the background): Alyssa.

Ben: Yeah, she's not coming today.

Debbie: Second day of school and she is not coming already?

Madam Soot Beng: Alyssa.

Debbie: Not present.

Madam Soot Beng: Seriously - It's only the second day and she is already absent!? She better have a damn good reason for this.

Ben: Hey, since Alyssa isn't here today...

Debbie: What? You want me to sit beside you?

[ hits in her bicep]

Debbie: No, I mean- I mean no! [Stands up]. I am not going to be your back girlfriend again, I know you still have feeling for me, but I am not falling into your trap again Ben.

Julynn: Yeah, tell him Debbie!

Ben: Actually I just wanted to ask if you can help me take down some notes for a class today because I kind of want to nap.

[Everyone in the room laughs]

Vincent: That's the good one.

Debbie: Sure, that's fine.

[Julynn making gestures to Debbie]

Debbie (To Julynn): What? I mean it's just notes right?

Madam Soot Beng: Ayaka?

Ayaka: H-E-R-E.

Madam Soot Beng: Safwana?

Safwana: I'M FRICKING HERE!!!!

JianHao: So, how was life like in junior high?

Takeshi: I was the Madam Soot Beng of our school, idk what caused me to change.

JianHao: Cool.

Ayaka: Here it is: Titan Academy according to T1T5's (and the teachers) opinions.

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