Chapter 19

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I looked at him with a raised eyebrow. "Oh is that so, then I suppose you should come in."

He started laughing, I rolled my eyes at him. I had to mentally tell myself to calm down, damn the effect this man had over me. Just his presence had the butterflies in my stomach going mad and not to mention that laugh. 

"Why thank you."  he walked past me in the doorway and I held my breath, to try and still my heart. He turned to me "After you."

"Shell, who is it?" Mandy asked.

I walked into the patio and turned so that she could see who's behind me, but didn't say a thing. Timmy bro-hugged him and introduced him to William. 

We were all enjoying ourselves, the guys were at the barbeque and us girls at the table gossiping. I couldn't help but eavesdrop when Timmy asked Nicholas about his girlfriend.

"Well we're not serious, it's more of a casual thing."

Timmy laughed. "Does she know that, cause I saw she tagged you in Insta on a picture with the caption mine?"

"Nah man, I haven't been on that app in ages. Posting something online, doesn't make you official or mark you as owned." 

"Well these days posting someone on your page makes you official dude." 

"Then I'll have to talk to her and explain it."

"Yeah man you do that." 

"What about you William, how long have you and Shelby been dating." Nicholas asked

The girls was talking about work and I had to look like I was listening to them, not to look too suspicious.  

William cleared his throat. "This is actually our first date."

"Oh okay cool" 

I turned around to see Timmy giving Nicholas a mischievous smile and then Timmy noticed me looking at them and I turned around so fast I swear I nearly got whiplash. 

I actually started listening to the girls and even talked about my students and how much I loved teaching. 

The guys came to sit with us. "The food is almost ready love, just the garlic bread that needs to heat up." Timmy said to Mandy and kissed her on the forehead. 

We were talking about music and movies when William's phone rang and he excused himself and took his call, when he came back and he took his seat next to me and gave me a small smile but looked a bit annoyed.

"Everything okay?" I whispered.

"That was my sister, she went to the mall with friends and apparently doesn't want to be there anymore and asked if I could pick her up. The problem is that it's two towns over, so the drive is about half an hour to there and then another back"

"Oh okay yeah sure, let me say bye and grab my stuff. I did drive here with you after all."

He looked sad. "I am so sorry Shelby, now I'm spoiling our date and the time with your friends. I would say I can always come back for you after if you would've rather stayed and enjoyed time with your friends but my sister is impossible and by the time I get back it might be very late and I couldn't do that to you."

Before I could answer and tell him it is completely fine I'd drive with him, Nicholas took it upon himself to answer. "I can always take Shelby home when we're done here William, it wouldn't be out of my way?"

"Thanks man that would be great, I'd really appreciate it."

I wanted to object, but it was like I was invisible in their conversation. "It'll be my pleasure dude."

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