Chapter 6

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Chase only came by the next week, and we talked, well sort of. He apologized for acting the way he did, but there was still an off vibe between us. Weeks went by and it was like we were growing apart. His affection towards me was non-existent.

I poured myself into practicing for our netball league, catching up with my schoolwork and spending time with my mother and Steven. Jess said I was boring and hung out with her friend Natasha more, going to parties and causing havoc I presumed.

When we beat the next team, I was over the moon! I typed a message to Chase but deleted it. He told me he was going to spend the weekend at his sister's, he wanted to meet his little niece. So, I wasn't going to bother him, I texted Jess and got no reply. When I got home, I went straight to her apartment, her mom told me she was spending the night at Natasha's. I didn't want to spend the weekend alone; mom and Steven went to Mike's house again and I mentally slapped myself for not going with them. I took Mandy up on her offer to spend the weekend at her house, her family was great. They played board games, made supper and even cleaned up together. You could just feel the love and closeness between them, it was exactly what I wished my family could be. Mandy wasn't one to go to parties and her parents were very strict.

On Saturday we visited her grandma in the retirement home, my grandmother on mom's side passed away when I was a baby and my dad's mother lived far away from us, we barely talked. Mandy's grandma Rose was just like one to me, I loved her. She and her friend auntie Zorka was hands down the coolest two in the entire retirement home, me and Mandy would always joke and say we would end up like them one day.

We found them in the dining hall playing bingo. I hugged Grandma Rose first and giggled as I walked over to auntie Zorka's open arms. "Hello dear girl, it's so nice of the two of you youngsters to come visit us old bats."

"Speak for yourself, I'm not old and I most definitely am not a bat!" Grandma Rose said, me and Mandy looked between them and started laughing.

We played bingo with them, then had coffee with them. Mandy and Grandma Rose was talking about family things, I met auntie Zorka's gaze and smiled at her. "Shelby, when are you ditching that boy you're dating? You know I still want to introduce you to my grandson; he is very handsome, and I see the two of you being what is one of the phrases you young people use? Uh Epic!" she said epic with a smirk.

I couldn't help but feel sad, me and Chase hit a huge curve and I'm not sure how long it would take to get back to the way things were. But I wasn't going to tell her that, I gave her a small smile. "I'm sorry to disappoint you auntie Zorka, but ditching Chase is not on the agenda. You'll have to set up your grandson with some other lucky girl I guess."

She shook her head. "Well, if you do, let me know! And I still think you and Cole would be a great pair."

We spent some more time with them before going back to Mandy's home. The weekend was just what I needed, as me and Mandy had girl time and talked about everything, I remembered how I missed talking to her. She said Chase was an asshole and she was there for me if I needed her. I didn't hear from Chase all weekend, it hurt.

Sunday when I got home, I heard someone call me. It was Timmy, Miguel's brother.

"Oh, hey Timmy," I didn't feel like talking to anyone, I just wanted to go to my room and drown myself in my music.

"Hello Shelby, I am sorry for bombarding you. But I feel it is necessary that I warn you to take a closer look at what is going on around you."

I looked at him confused. "What do you mean Timmy?"

"Look I didn't want to get involved, but I would want someone to warn me if it was me. I have to go."

"Wait Timmy, what? I don't understand, come on man! What is this about? "

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