Chapter 5

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I was deep into reading when I heard Steven and Jess's voices, she was of course the loudest. "Shell, where you at?"

"In my room!" I shouted back.

Jess came in and flopped onto my bed, checking her phone.

Steven came in and gave me a peck on the cheek. "Hello sis, bye sis."

"Hey! Where are you off to in such a hurry?" I said before he could get to the door.

He turned around. "I'm hungry, going to have Rice Crispi's."

"Okay fine, just clean up after yourself."

He gave me a sarcastic look and walked out. "Okay mom!"

"Whatever!" I shouted back and turned my focus to Jess. "Hello to you too!"

She looked up from her phone, she looked happy. "Hello Shell, how are you on this fine Saturday afternoon?"

"Okay, what's with you? Don't tell me you and Miguel got back together last night?"

"No, that ship sunk straight to the bottom of the ocean!"

I rolled my eyes. "Well, what then?"

"You know Warner, who gave me a ride home last night?"

"Yes, Chase's friend from the illegal street racing." I was always fighting with Chase for hanging out with that guy, him and his group were trouble and not to even mention very dangerous. How he got involved with them I never knew, but I got the chills when I was in the same room as any of them.

"Yes him, well he insisted that we go for a drink at a bar where he hangs out a lot. We had a couple of drinks, danced and ended up having a super steamy make out session which turned into a lot of fun." She giggled.

"Jessica Boma! What were you thinking, he is not someone to get involved with! I can't believe you would put yourself in so much danger!"

She shook her head. "Steven was right calling you mom earlier! It was mostly just kissing and some foreplay Shelby, granted I was feeling the feels in all the right places if you know what I mean?" She wiggled her eyebrows.

I threw her with my pillow. "You are disgusting! I know I can't tell you what to do, but please just be careful Jess..."

"I promise. Now tell me, what happened last night?" she laughed and threw the pillow back, I caught it before it could reach my face.

"Okay so we started making out and then it happened."

She looked at me with a question mark on her face. "Yeah, but how did it happen?"

I threw her with the pillow again and told her exactly how it went down, I explained how it felt afterwards. "Yip, so that's how it happened and how it felt..."

"Aww Shell it will get better, the first time is generally not the way one pictures it." she gave me a small smile.

I returned her smile. "Yes, I guess so."

We continued talking about other things, like the fact that Jess was now a cheerleader and she got promoted to deciding what music they would dance to along with other things. A while later she went home and dad finally came home and asked if he could talk to me and Steven. He told us he met a lady friend and they were becoming very close, that he wanted us to meet her the next day. I thought about mom and how she would probably freak out, I knew she loved dad and some small part of her hoped he would stop drinking and they could be happy again. I just pray she would get through this and decide to move on.

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