Chapter 16

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The next morning me and the girls went shopping for new outfits, and although shopping was not my thing ~ it was something I could do to spend time with my friends. Each of us bought at least one item, I bought a red gypsy style top to go with my blue ripped jeans. We ate food, drank smoothies and chatted. I sneaked off to buy everyone a gift, I would use Christmas as an excuse not that it was goodbye gifts.

I got the girls friendships bracelets, for Steven I got a new gaming headset as his was not in the best condition anymore and even got something for my parents. I was still contemplating what to get for Nicholas when I saw the perfect thing in a souvenir shop's window, I hoped he'd like it.

We'd all sleep at Mandy's, but would get ready at my house. Mom insisted on taking pictures as we got ready for the party, we posed like celebrities and had a blast.  

When we arrived Timmy was waiting at one of the garage doors showing Mandy to park inside. Miguel was also there, he and Timmy hugged us, and lead us to the back of the house. Last time we were here we never went outside; it was different from the front of the house. The back yard was cozy, complete with a tree house you could see it was designed for entertaining family.

 The back yard was cozy, complete with a tree house you could see it was designed for entertaining family

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Me and Miguel were the ones walking behind everyone. "So, Shelby, how have you been? You look good by the way."

"I've been good thanks Miguel. How about you?"

He gave me a warm smile. "At first it sucked that my than best friend and my ex-girlfriend hooked up, but I recovered quickly. But hey, things are better now. I can't wait to finish high school next year."

"Yeah, I'm with you on that." I smiled.

I saw Nicholas standing at the bonfire with a beer in his hand talking to some guys, probably from his school. I smiled thinking about his beer and whiskey statement the other day, I blushed when he looked my way, he smiled and said something to the guys he was with and headed towards us. Oh Lord please give me strength, I silently prayed.

He hugged me and Mandy then introduced himself to Amanda, Kazelynn and her boyfriend. "Make yourselves at home, the bonfire is over there, the drinks is in the kitchen and the swimming pool is that way." He was showing them the directions as he talked. He looked at me and held his hand out for me. "And as for you young lady, you're coming with me."

I took his hand and Kazelynn looked at me and winked, then turned to the group. "You heard the man, let's go get a drink." Mandy and Timmy disappeared into the dancing crowd without saying anything to us.

We walked over to the tree house and Nicholas helped me up, when we were both inside he turned to me. "Hello." He said smiling.

I giggled. "Hi! Didn't you just greet me earlier?"

"I know, but we weren't alone then."

I got very nervous suddenly. "Ha ha you are such a clown sometimes."

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