Chapter 14

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Apart from receiving a few threatening messages from Chase, the week went by in a flash. Friday was here, I got up early to make me and Steven some breakfast. He helped me pack our lunch and he was excited for our game night. I dropped him off at school and drove to Kaz's house to park my car.

We had recess and Mandy was telling the girls about our game night tomorrow. The girls were just as surprised as I was that Mandy was actually talking to a boy, they were happy that I was going with to get out of my house. The girls were busy debating who Elana should end up with, we all started watching The Vampire Diaries recently. My phone vibrated in my pocket; it was a message from Nicholas.

Nicholas: Hi.

Me: Hey there.

Nicholas: So, how's your day so far?

Me: Not too bad, we have recess now. How about yours?

Nicholas: We do too, mine's great. Looking forward to tomorrow...

Me: What's happening tomorrow, did you and Timmy finely decide to come out as a couple?

Nicholas: Nah he's not interested in me; he keeps saying he's into someone else!

Me: Dang, that Timmy! Just show him your charming smile, I'm sure you will have him eating out the palm of your hand.

Nicholas: Bee, are you saying I have a nice smile?

Me: Ha ha it's okay...

Nicholas: Hmm okay I'll take that!

Me: Should we bring anything?

Nicholas: Just yourselves.

Me: Are you sure?

Nicholas: Very sure.

The bell rang recess was over, we got up and started heading to our classes. I quickly sent him a text.

Me: Gotta go, buffalo.

Nicholas: Take care polar bear!

When the final bell rang, we all walked to Kaz's house and said our goodbyes. I picked a super excited Steven up from his school.

"Hello love, how was your day?"

"Hello sis, it was awesome. My teacher gave me a golden star for being an excellent teammate. Norman wanted to know if I want to sleep over the weekend, but I told him about our game night!"

"That's amazing bud, I'm so proud of you! And I just know both mom and dad will be too! Now, how about some ice-cream to celebrate?"

"Yes please!"

Steven was all hyped up on sugar when we got home, we had dinner later with mom and dad. I looked forward to having dinner with my family every night, it was such a blessing. Mom helped Steven pack and he insisted on taking some of his games with just in case Nicholas didn't have them.

In the morning I made breakfast for everyone, mom and dad was going to have a movie slash date night tonight. I can't remember ever seeing them this happy, it suited them.

I decided to put some light makeup on and curl my hair a little. Me and Steven waited for Mandy to pick us up. She stopped and got out to open the trunk for us, she looked absolutely beautiful. She gave me that don't say anything look, I giggled and got into the front seat. The drive to Nichola's house was long, he lived outside of town. We arrived and Mandy had to phone Timmy to open the gate, they gates opened automatically and we drove on a long road before reaching the house.

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