Chapter 15

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We decided to play Tekken first, Nicholas chose Jin Kazama as his character, and I chose Christie Monteiro. I beat him almost every time, the others were laughing at him when he threw his hands up in defeat.

"You know it's not fair! You were mostly just pressing random buttons Bee, that doesn't really count as a legit win!" He said and I rolled my eyes at him.

"Ah come on I won fair and square, and you know it!" I stuck my tongue out mocking him.

Timmy laughed the hardest and gave me a high five. "Now now Nick don't go being a bad loser, Shelby beat your ass! It doesn't matter if she pressed random buttons or not. Point is she won!"

"Whatever, well done winner." He said the word winner with the funniest expression on his face, it made me laugh.

We decided to play Call of duty, Steven and Timmy was playing now with Nicholas cheering them on while me and Mandy went to get snacks in the kitchen.

After some time, Mandy took out her phone. "Shit, it's almost 1 am, we need to get home. My mother is going to kill me."

We walked to the front door, I turned around and watched as Nicholas greeted Steven giving him his phone number, they talked so soft I couldn't hear a word. I walked over to him and hugged him goodbye. "Thanks again so much for tonight, it was really fun."

"You are welcome Bee, and thanks for coming." He hugged me tighter.

I smiled at him as I turned to walk away. We didn't get into to much trouble with Mandy's mom.

We slept in Mandy's room, me and her on the bed and Steven on the floor. My phone vibrated I pulled the cover over my head, not wanting to wake anyone.

Nicholas: Hope you guys got home safely. Sweet dreams Bee.

Me: We did, thank you for everything. Sleep tight.

"So you and Nick have become relatively close lately?" Mandy whispered.

"He's not so bad."

She giggled. "Oh really, do you like him?"

"Well I like talking with him." I looked at her, she playfully pushed me causing me giggle also.

"Just talking with him you say? Well Timmy says you're the first girl he has ever shown an interest in. And I gotta say, I see the chemistry between the two of you." she wiggled her eyebrows.

I pushed her this time and we both giggled  "Put away your bow and arrow cupid, all I can say is he is different and getting to know him is great."

We talked some more and eventually fell asleep.  


Weeks passed since our game night at Nicholas's. We hung out as a group when we had time, Amanda, Kazelynn and her boyfriend also hung out with us. But the end of the year was approaching and all of us had finals to worry about. My Netball team made it to the finals and won. 

Me and Steven enjoyed our Krav Maga lessons, we got good at it. Ryan was the perfect teacher, he showed us so many techniques and even sent us home with exercise plans. It was amazing having a bonding thing with my brother that both of us enjoyed.

Today we would be sparring against students our own age, it was tough. The girl I went up against was damn good, but I was proud of myself for lasting so long. Steven made me so proud, he was first in his age group.

 When we were packing our gym bags Ryan walked over to me. "How have things been?"

"Well, I still receive a lot of threatening texts and insults when I'm at school; both from her and her friend, and some of the students. But other than that, everything else has been good."

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