Chapter 18

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He finally looked at me and gave me a sideways smile, then he looked at his grandmother. "We've actually met before Grams. Hello Shelby." 

 I had to practically force myself to say something, it has been so many years and the power this man had over my emotions was unbelievable. I gave him a nod and smiled, hoping he wouldn't hear or see how nervous I was. "Nicholas, nice to see you." 

"Silly me, how could I have missed it? You're friends are getting married, of course you would've met." Aunty Zorka facepalmed herself.

"Yes grams, I think we should go find seats before the service starts." He gave me a nod and held his arm for his grandmother to take hold of. 

"I'll catch up with you later dear." I smiled and gave her a peck on her cheek.

The service was very memorable, Grandma Rose's children and some of her grandchildren each had something they wanted to read in memory of her. And even aunty Zorka said something, which made us laugh and cry. But the most memorable moment was when Mandy read her obituary, I knew if GrandmaRose could be here at this moment, she would've been so proud of her for being brave enough to face her fear of speaking in front of people. 

The wake was held in the church's hall. I kept busy in the kitchen, helping wash the dishes that was starting to pile up, Mandy's mom and some of her family members helped. "Shelby, thank you for helping with everything and being here." Mandy's mom gave me a hug.I hugged her back. 

"It is only a pleasure aunt Maree." 

"We will finish up here, you can go have some refreshments. Aunt Zorka was looking for you also." 

I really didn't want to leave the comfort of the kitchen, but I knew I had to go check up on Mandy. And I had to see aunty Zorka, even if I wanted to avoid hergrandson. I walked into the hall and saw Mandy was busy talking to people, deciding I would not interfere but rather get myself some coffee at the refreshment table. I got startled when someone whispered in my ear.

 "If I didn't know any better, I would think you were avoiding me." I turned around to find aunty Zorka was smiling, clearly amused with herself for startling me. 

"Aunty Zorka, don't you know it's not a good idea to sneak up on people like that? And no mam, I am not avoiding you at all." 

 "I know, but where is the fun in not getting a laugh in when you can? I'm happy to hear that because that would just break an old lady's heart." She bumped me with her shoulder. 

I shook my head giggling. "Oh, dear aunty Zorka, I would never in a million years want to hurt you." 

She giggled along with me and pulled me in for a hug. "I've really missed you sweet girl. I heard you became a teacher, I'm so proud of you." 

"Awe I've missed you too aunty. And thank you, it means so much coming from you." 

"So, tell me, is there a special man in your life?" She wiggled her eyebrows.

"Grams, it's not polite to ask such private questions." Nicholas and Timmy walked up to us and stood next to me, I was standing in the middle. 

Aunt Zorka gave him an annoyed look and then it was as if a light bulb went on when she spoke again. "Cole, do you remember when you were in high school and I told you I had met the perfect girl for you?" 

He looked confused. "Yes, you practically planned the wedding. But why are you bringing this up now Grams?" 

"Well, you are looking at her! And I'm so happy that you two already know each other, this means we can jump to the good part like you taking Shelby on a date." As she said the words, I almost choked on the sip of coffee I took. 

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