Chapter 3

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I snoozed my alarm, wanting to get five minutes more sleep. Granted it was Friday and I was happy about it being the end of another school week, try-outs for the netball team the past few days were a nightmare. Luckily I got picked, I'm the new head goal of the under 17's team. So overall hard work paid off. Chase being Chase was upset that he barely got to see me since Tuesday, even though he had rugby practice every afternoon after school. His parents would be out of town for the weekend, his sister recently had a baby and needed help. I know he was probably planning tonight party the second they told him they would be out of town. I've promised him I'd stay over; Steven was going to sleep over at Norman's. I got up, changed into my school uniform and decided to pack my overnight bag when I came home from school in the afternoon.

I knocked on Jessica's door, she came out and almost looked morbid. I knew what was wrong, she texted me last night to tell me she and Miguel called it quits. Trying to lighten the mood, I said. "Well good morning Jess, it's a lovely day. Let's head to school, yeah?'

"Nothing is good and lovely about this day Shelby, after last night and the way he reacted when I told him we were over I can't imagine this day getting better." she threw her backpack over her shoulder and started walking, I followed her.

"Jess, I know nothing I can say will cheer you up. But I'm here and we will get through it together. "

She stopped dead in her tracks and turned to me "Yeah I know, but I can't help but wonder if I didn't make a mistake."

"Ugh no Jess, you have to consider the fact that this might just be you not wanting to be single."

"Okay maybe, but I need to see him again, you know talk to him and get closure. He is going to Chase's party tonight; do you think I could come with you? Not looking like I was going to a party alone."

I rolled my eyes; this was my normal reaction to Jess most of the time. "Yes, I suppose you can, but I'm staying over at Chase's so you will have to get your own ride home."

When we got to school, I saw Mandy waiting for me at the gate, she was my friend since the 3rd grade. But she and Jess didn't really get along. "Listen Jess I have to go; I'll see you around break time?"

"Yip, see you later alligator." And then she walked past me and faded into the other school peers.

"Hey girl, I heard you got picked for the netball team. Congratulations you deserve it!" Mandy was such a kind soul; she was really pretty like a Disney princess. And what made her more likable was that she didn't let the fact that she was gorgeous get to her head. She was admired by a lot of people. Plus, she didn't date at all, this made the bar higher for guys as they tried to catch her eyes on a regular basis. I remember being insecure when she and Chase would both be in the same room, but then one day when we had a sleepover, I talked to her about my insecurity, and she assured me that she would never ever do anything in that sense. She also pointed out that Chase was not her cup of tea.

"Aww thanks Mandy, and I believe you also secured your usual position on the field hockey team. You go girl, or should I say go striker!"

She just smiled. "Thanks Shell, I guess we'll both be very busy hey."

"You can say that again! Are you going to Chase's party tonight?"

"Nope, I have dinner at my grans and my mom wants us to hang out after. Her way of bonding, I think."

"Shame she loves you so much!"


I got home, packed my bag and texted Chase that Jess is also coming along. Speaking of Jess, I really hoped she would behave herself tonight she loved to drink and get all girls gone wild!

When I finally decided what to wear, I looked in the mirror and I was happy with my choice. I wasn't really into fashion, but I was going to funk it up a bit showing some skin.

I got a text from Chase.

Chase: Babe, I'm here do you want me to come up?

Me: No, I have to get Jess. See you in five. xoxo

I greeted Steven and told him I'll see him tomorrow afternoon and that he should enjoy his himself. I got Jess, then into Chase's Volkswagen City Golf and gave him a peck on the cheek. Then we were off to his house, I dreaded going to parties, but this was my boyfriend's party, so I had to go. Sighing I said a small prayer hoping everything would go smoothly. Especially with Jess going along to get closure as she so lightly put it. I hope Miguel did not decide to bring a date a long, because that would just make things worse. I glanced in the car mirror to Jess as I put on a fresh coat of lip gloss, she looked deep in thought probably planning her confrontation with Miguel.

"Something wrong babe?" Chase grabbed my upper leg and looked at me suspiciously.

I smiled at him and squeezed his hand on my leg. "Nothing. We'll talk about it later."

He winked at me, then turned his attention back to the road. "Alrighty then."

These days by Rudimental came up and I turned the volume up singing along to it. Jess joined me and we made it into a duet. Chase looked amused and laughed at us. I just love music, well who doesn't right? It's a language that speaks to your soul, that gets into your bones and it expresses what you cannot say. It's my refuge to put it simply.

We continued singing to whatever played and before we knew it, we were parked in his driveway. We helped him set up everything for the party, well there isn't really much to be set up for a high school party just booze, snacks and music. But we made sure just to put away all his moms' breakable vases and ornaments.

A few of his friends from the rugby team showed up with their girlfriends who dressed like supermodels I might add. I wasn't going to make an effort to talk to any of them tonight, the last time I did that they only talked about what diet they were on and how bad carbs were for you. But apparently getting shit face drunk was really good for you and making fun of other girls who didn't look like them was on the top of their list.

Oh, you gotta love high school! I smiled the best fake smile I could master and gave them a wave as I walked to the kitchen to look for Jess.

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