Chapter 11

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A week later I found myself standing before my bathroom mirror, looking at the red and yellowish bruises on my face that was fading too slow for my liking. I decided to apply some makeup and made sure my hair covered my face. I gave myself a small smile "Well it's now or never, you will get through this."

When I got to the kitchen my mom and Steven were busy eating cereal, she looked at me. "Good morning Shell, did you sleep well?"

I gave Steven a side hug and sat next to him, getting myself a bowl. "Morning mom, I did yes. Did you?"

"I slept well, are you sure you want to go back to school today? You could always just wait a bit longer before returning?"

"Mom, I will be okay. Plus, the girls will be there too, so don't worry."

She came to me and hugged me so tight I could feel the love I hugged her back with the same amount of affection. "Okay, but if anything, and I mean anything should happen you call me. You hear?"

"Yes mom I hear you." I hugged Steven bye and headed for the front door.

"Shelby, wait. Me and your dad have something for you tonight, don't be late."

"Yes mam, bye now."

Things have been dared I say better, except for the incident when I was walking home from the store, Steven was with me. A guy I don't know along with his friends were walking behind us mocking us. I was scared out of my mind but couldn't show Steven I was scared. But I had to be brave for the both of us. I whispered to Steven; "Bud, if anything goes wrong you run home and call for help." Before he could respond I turned around and addressed the guy that looked like he was the main man in their group.

"What the hell is your problem dude?"

He looked amused. "Problem? There is no problem, I was just sent to deliver a message to you.."

"Then deliver your message and move along, you are getting on my nerve!"

He looked at his group and they all started laughing, then he turned his attention back to me. "Oh, you are a feisty one aren't you? Too bad I'm already taken, or I would claim you."

"Claim me? No dude, I'm not some wild horse you can tame and claim!" He was starting to annoy me.

"Tsk, tsk" he shook his head. "Don't test me girl, you know what they say about wild horses?" He was talking to his group now. "They are very difficult, but so fucking worth the ride!" This caused all of them to burst out with laughter, he was clearly enjoying himself.

I ignored the laughter. "Just get over yourself asshole!"

He walked towards me, and he had danger written all over his face. I looked at Steven and showed him to run, he didn't hesitate and did what I told him to do earlier. The guys were about to follow him, when this asshole stopped them.

"Let him go, we ain't here to spill blood, just to deliver a message." he looked back to me, he was extremely close to my face.

"Okay where was I? Oh, right I have a message for you. Natasha said that they are not finished with you. That when you least expect it, they will make you pay for all the shit you caused."

" Tell her to bite me, I didn't tell anyone anything." this started to freak me out, she was clearly well connected with all the wrong kinds of people.

He stroked my cheek; I turned my head away from his touch. "I'll be sure to tell her that, I'd be careful if I was you."

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