Chapter 20

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I was making coffee when Amanda came out of her room still in her pajamas, her hair looked like Edward Scissor Hands gave her a haircut. "Good morning sleepy head, want a cup?" 

"Yes please, I'm so tired."

"That's cause you work until the crack of dawn most of the time." I handed her the cup of coffee.

She sighed. "I know, but work is so hectic. And not to mentioned my manager is a total ass, I feel like she takes advantage of me because I'm the only single girl in the office and that must automatically make me not have a life. Not to mention she is a divorced 55 year old who collects custom made new born dolls and brags about her babies every chance she gets."

"Ah she sounds awful, you do have a life and you need to start living it. You have to set boundaries or you'll end up just like her, hopefully not with those creepy dolls." 

She looked mortified. "Shelby you cow, take that back!"

I laughed so hard coffee came out of my nose. "Okay I take it back, but you really need to do something about it Dee." I was the only one who called her that in our friend circle, the rest called her Manda. 

"Yeah I know I will talk to Ross about it on Monday. How was your date?"

"I wouldn't call it a date per say, everyone was there including Nicholas." I continue talking noticing her facial expression at the mention of Nicholas's name. "It was more like a dinner for a bunch of friends."

"Wait, did you say Nicholas was there also?" 

I don't say anything at first but eventually cave when she pouts and tell her everything from the wake up until Nicholas dropping me off and me agreeing to help him with his speech for the wedding. 

She sits there processing everything then her face lights up like Flash the sloth from Zootopia. "Wow, that's a lot to take in on an empty stomach. So do you think it's a good idea to spend time with Nicholas?" She notices my frown and continues. "I only mean that with the sincerest intentions Shell, unless you know you can handle it."

The thing with Amanda is that she is like the grown up mother friend, who always sees thing in a deeper perspective and she was not afraid to voice her opinion. And living with her and her analyzing personality hiding anything from her was impossible. She had me pouring my entire life story in one night over some cocktails the first month we moved in together.  

"Honestly Dee I think it might be good to get some sort of closure spending time with him."

"But that's the thing, spending time with him might bring forth old buried feelings Shell."

I nodded. "I get that and I'm not planning on spending more time then necessary with him."

"Okay I hope you get closure, just remember to guard your heart." She winked at me.

"Yes mom." We both started giggling at my words. 


I was sprawled out on the sofa surfing though the many selections to watch and ended up choosing a movie I've practically watched hundreds of times. I don't know I almost always rewatch shows or movies I've watched before, I read somewhere that they say people who do this like the comfort of knowing the outcome rather than being surprised at the ending. I guess it might be true, I rarely chose something new when watching anything but that's just me. It was almost four o'clock, Amanda went to her parents for the day and promised she would bring home takeaways for dinner.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02 ⏰

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