Chapter 8

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Just a warning, this chapter has scenes that might be sensitive or upsetting to some. Please proceed with caution. And thank you for reading my story. - Reshell xoxo


"Shelby, I'm going to the store to get your dad cigarettes. Will you just keep an eye on him for me?" Mom said standing at my door.

It had been almost a month since dad's accident, he broke two ribs, his arm and his leg were badly bruised. He had been drinking heavily that night and decided to go for a spin on his buddies motorcycle, he lost control when he took a sharp turn. I remember the night we went to the hospital with mom, she waited patiently and when the doctor informed us, he would recover she went to his bed side and told him it was the final straw. She would move in with Mike and take her children with her, because he didn't want to change. Suffice to say that was a wakeup call for dad, he broke up with his girlfriend, stopped drinking and begged mom to give him another chance. I didn't think she would give him another chance at all, but I guess her love for him was something she couldn't ignore. She broke up with Mike and took care of dad and us; she didn't give up her apartment though she would sleep over some nights taking it slow. The drama with Jessica and Chase was still a never-ending story, they continued their torment, spreading even worse rumors. I made Mandy promise not to say anything to my parents, I had to threaten to never speak to her if she even mentioned anything. My parents knew about my breakup with Chase, I made up a lie about wanting to focus on my school. I got pretty good at hiding things from those around me, it scared me sometimes.

"Shelby, did you hear what I said?"

I looked at her and smiled. "Yeah mom, sorry. I'll go to the shop, you stay." I needed some fresh air and I'm not joking when I say dad is like a helpless child, he was recovering well, he still had cast on his arm. But he was very needy, I would rather go to the shop then stay and look after him.

"Okay sure, thanks I'll stay and start dinner. I need some things, that I'll put on a list for you." mom smiled and went to the kitchen, writing down what she needed.

I got up and put on some jeans, I pulled a white hoodie over my shirt that was more like my pajama top. I tried to tame my wild hair, failing terribly I just put it in a bun.

As I was walking back with two grocery bags in my hand, I noticed Chase, Jessica and some of their friends (who was I kidding Jessica only had Natasha as a friend, it was probably his friends) in front of the apartment building next to Chase's car. They saw me and immediately started pointing and laughing, I mentally cursed myself for volunteering to go to the shop. I kept my head down and didn't look at them, bit it was Chase who deliberately pushed; causing me to fall onto the hard cement pavement and the content of the bags were scattered everywhere. I felt my knee burning, my jeans were torn and I could see my knee was bruised.

"Watch where you're going bitch. I hear business is booming, a lot of guys from my school gave you high reviews. Too bad you held out on me." Chase had a smirk on his face, he kicked me on my side and his audience started laughing.

I flinched in pain; I could feel the pain in my side. I got up straightened my clothes and bent down collected the scattered groceries. I felt tears falling down my cheeks, but I didn't look at them. I kept thinking over and over that I just needed to get everything and go upstairs to my house where it was safe.

I felt Jessica's breath on my neck as she was slouching over me. "Aww shame Chase, I think you hurt the little sluts feelings, now she will have another excuse to feel sorry for herself and whore herself out some more."

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