Chapter 2

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Almost a month had passed since I told Chase I was ready, we agreed that it would happen soon. Getting home on this awful Tuesday afternoon, I threw my bag in my room and headed for the kitchen deciding to make me and Steven a sandwich. Planning on making macaroni and cheese for dinner later on, it is Steven and my favourite food in the entire universe. Dad works at a construction company, so he'll be home by six, leaving him enough time to get cleaned and follow his drinking habit to wherever and then just barely getting back in time to get an hour or two sleep before work. And to make thing worse, mom held a grudge and came with a vengeance when she knew dad was not around at night, she would knock on the door and when I opened the door she would rush to dad's room and cut up his clothes, anything she could get a hold of she would destroy. I stopped begging her not to go full on psycho when I realized she wasn't listening at all. See she got an office job and had time on her hands, I just knew her friend had a big influence on her. My thoughts got cut short when I heard talking in the living room.

"Bud, who are you talking to?" I yelled from the kitchen. He didn't respond and before I could ask again, Chase walked in, he still had his school uniform on, and he looked hot. He smiled and revealed a pair of white teeth.

"Hello babe, I've missed you." he gave me a peck on the lips, I noticed that he smelled like cigarettes again. I didn't like the fact that he smoked and he knew that he always made sure to chew strong gum whenever he was around me and before he kissed me. But I had to deal with him smelling like a chimney.

I just rolled my eyes at him, "Like you didn't see me just this morning?"

"Yeah I know, but if I didn't forget my school blazer at Miguel's, I would've never seen you until now." he pouted, making him look cute.

"Ha ha whatever, I'm making sandwiches. Do you want one?"

He said yes and while he was busy devouring his sandwich, I took Steven's to his room. He was playing games on his computer, which me and him both saved up for. I was sure he would go into a technical career one day, cause for an almost 12-year-old he was extremely good with computers. And some of the terms he used when referring to what he was doing on his pc left me in awe, because I didn't have a clue what he was talking about.

He looked up when he saw me and took the sandwich, I handed to him. "Thank you sis, you always make the best sandwiches!"

"You're welcome bud, I'll be going to Chase's party on Friday. Do you want to stay over at Norman's?"

"Yup, I'll check with him tomorrow."

Norman was his best friend; they were like two peas in a pod. It also helped that I was friends with Norman's sister Amanda, and they lived in the same apartment block as us. And I'd feel much better knowing my little brother was not alone. I was just glad my parents were not together anymore; I remember some nights I would be asleep, and Steven would come crying begging me to stop them with tears running down his baby face. This angered me so much, could my parents not see the effects their fights had on their children. I was so relieved that they split, it was hell on earth. Not to mention the emotional strain it has put on me and Steven, if we got a few hours' sleep at night it would be a lot. The only time we got our much-needed rest, was when we slept at a friend or relative's house. But then I'd still worry that my parents would kill each other. Now it felt lighter most of the time...

"Okay cool," I waved his hair around with my hand and left his room. Chase was spread out on my bed playing on his phone. I sat next to him and started with my homework, when Jessica entered. She was not known for knocking and would just barge in.

"Hey guys, Shell I need to talk to you!" She said, looking like she was about to explode with emotions.

Chase got up and kissed me on the forehead. "Okay laddies that's my queue to leave, babe I'll see you tomorrow after rugby practice. Bye Jessica."

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